93 results ( Show 25 | All )
Number | Files | Title | Authors | Date | More Info | Status |
RFC 9141 | HTML, TEXT, PDF, XML, HTML with inline errata | Updating References to the IETF FTP Service | R. Danyliw | November 2021 | Errata, Updates RFC 2077, RFC 2418, RFC 2648, RFC 2954, RFC 2955, RFC 3020, RFC 3083, RFC 3201, RFC 3202, RFC 3295, RFC 3684, RFC 3962, RFC 3970, RFC 4036, RFC 4131, RFC 4251, RFC 4323, RFC 4546, RFC 4547, RFC 4639, RFC 4682, RFC 5098, RFC 5428, RFC 6756, RFC 7241 | Proposed Standard |
RFC 8886 | HTML, TEXT, PDF, XML, HTML with inline errata | Secure Device Install | W. Kumari, C. Doyle | September 2020 | Errata | Informational |
RFC 7440 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | TFTP Windowsize Option | P. Masotta | January 2015 | Proposed Standard | |
RFC 7151 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | File Transfer Protocol HOST Command for Virtual Hosts | P. Hethmon, R. McMurray | March 2014 | Updates RFC 959 | Proposed Standard |
RFC 6384 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | An FTP Application Layer Gateway (ALG) for IPv6-to-IPv4 Translation | I. van Beijnum | October 2011 | Proposed Standard | |
RFC 6249 | ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata | Metalink/HTTP: Mirrors and Hashes | A. Bryan, N. McNab, T. Tsujikawa, P. Poeml, H. Nordstrom | June 2011 | Errata | Proposed Standard |
RFC 5859 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | TFTP Server Address Option for DHCPv4 | R. Johnson | June 2010 | Informational | |
RFC 5854 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | The Metalink Download Description Format | A. Bryan, T. Tsujikawa, N. McNab, P. Poeml | June 2010 | Proposed Standard | |
RFC 5797 | ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata | FTP Command and Extension Registry | J. Klensin, A. Hoenes | March 2010 | Errata, Updates RFC 959 | Proposed Standard |
RFC 4823 | ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata | FTP Transport for Secure Peer-to-Peer Business Data Interchange over the Internet | T. Harding, R. Scott | April 2007 | Errata, Updated by RFC 8996 | Informational |
RFC 4217 | ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata | Securing FTP with TLS | P. Ford-Hutchinson | October 2005 | Errata, Updated by RFC 8996 | Proposed Standard |
RFC 3659 | ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata | Extensions to FTP | P. Hethmon | March 2007 | Errata, Updates RFC 959 | Proposed Standard |
RFC 3617 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Scheme and Applicability Statement for the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) | E. Lear | October 2003 | Informational | |
RFC 2640 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | Internationalization of the File Transfer Protocol | B. Curtin | July 1999 | Errata, Updates RFC 959 | Proposed Standard |
RFC 2585 | ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata | Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Operational Protocols: FTP and HTTP | R. Housley, P. Hoffman | May 1999 | Errata | Proposed Standard |
RFC 2577 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | FTP Security Considerations | M. Allman, S. Ostermann | May 1999 | Informational | |
RFC 2428 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | FTP Extensions for IPv6 and NATs | M. Allman, S. Ostermann, C. Metz | September 1998 | Errata | Proposed Standard |
RFC 2389 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | Feature negotiation mechanism for the File Transfer Protocol | P. Hethmon, R. Elz | August 1998 | Proposed Standard | |
RFC 2349 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | TFTP Timeout Interval and Transfer Size Options | G. Malkin, A. Harkin | May 1998 | Obsoletes RFC 1784, Updates RFC 1350 | Draft Standard |
RFC 2348 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | TFTP Blocksize Option | G. Malkin, A. Harkin | May 1998 | Obsoletes RFC 1783, Updates RFC 1350 | Draft Standard |
RFC 2347 | ASCII, PDF, HTML, HTML with inline errata | TFTP Option Extension | G. Malkin, A. Harkin | May 1998 | Errata, Obsoletes RFC 1782, Updates RFC 1350 | Draft Standard |
RFC 2228 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | FTP Security Extensions | M. Horowitz, S. Lunt | October 1997 | Updates RFC 959 | Proposed Standard |
RFC 2204 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | ODETTE File Transfer Protocol | D. Nash | September 1997 | Obsoleted by RFC 5024 | Informational |
RFC 2090 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | TFTP Multicast Option | A. Emberson | February 1997 | Experimental | |
RFC 1986 | ASCII, PDF, HTML | Experiments with a Simple File Transfer Protocol for Radio Links using Enhanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol (ETFTP) | W. Polites, W. Wollman, D. Woo, R. Langan | August 1996 | Experimental |