Table of Contents

Arguments regarding the creation of new document streams


  1. The RFC Editor recognizes that the needs of the technical research and engineering community and the associated documentation that describes the Internet are growing and changing.
  2. The RFC Editor recognizes that other organizations offer value and may have different IPR such that working through a separate stream will allow those organizations to more effectively contribute to the workings on the Internet in a more efficient manner.
  3. As the Internet evolves and changes, there is more information that should be discussed and disseminated to encourage secure, open practices; serving that purpose fits in the overall mission of the RFC Editor as described in RFC 4844.


  1. There is already significant confusion regarding the categories of RFCs and how the existing streams relate to the Series. Adding a new stream would just increase the level of confusion.

Questions for an organization requesting to be considered as a new Stream in the RFC Series

  1. Why the RFC Series and not a different organization or publisher? What are you hoping to achieve by publishing RFCs as opposed to self-publishing?
  2. Do you anticipate your organization being a persistent entity for the next 5-10 years?
  3. The RFC Series has some particular points of style and format that must be consistent across the streams. Today that means ASCII only, fixed line and page lengths, and a fairly common document structure (Abstract, Introduction, Headers, Footers, etc.) Is your organization willing to accept those constraints and participate in the discussions regarding potential changes to those constraints? Do you have any format requirements of your own, such as a UTF-8 character set or inclusion of graphics or HTML-style links?
  4. How many documents do you expect to request to publish a year?

Requirements for any group or organization to be considered as a new stream

Questions for the RSE, IAB, and whoever else needs to be involved in determining whether a new Stream should be created (TBD)

  1. What type of documents are allowed? Informational? BCP? Standards Track? etc.

Suggested Action Items for New Stream Creation

  1. Establish a list of questions to determine suitability (see above).
  2. Require a new I-D from the supplicant describing their process, IPR policy, etc., for RSE and RSOC review.
  3. Work with relevant parties to determine the terms of service and cost associated with the stream.

Suggestion Action Items for closing a stream

1. Either side may conclude the stream if funding or quality of documents runs dry

Other actions to consider

Responses to date

REFEDs responses