Parent issue: Relevance of the IETF and the Series in Layer 9 Size (time): 3 months from start Importance/Urgency: High/Low Description: There is an activity going on in Europe to build a catalog of information pointing to various legal, political, technical, and other "semantic assets" relevant to the EU organized by ISA ( Getting information about RFCs in to this repository is of value for several reasons, both political and technical. By providing information regarding RFCs in a place where people interested in EU ICT interoperability will look, we encourage acceptance of open standards and global interoperability, and broaden the potential readership of RFCs. The platform they are using is called "Joinup" and you can get more information on the catalog here: [[eu-ict-notes|Project Notes]] RSE Actions: * Identify the steps required to automatically feed metadata regarding RFCs into the Joinup system * Work with the RPC to add the necessary metadata fields required by this program to the Info pages and RFC database * Work with the RPC or create an SoW to develop the necessary tool(s) to automate this activity RSOC Actions: * No action at this time RFC Production Center & Publisher Actions: * Work with the RSE to identify and add necessary metadata fields * Create the RDF file for use by the Joinup project Costs/Benefits Financial: TBD Project schedules: Reputation: Estimated completion date: TBD