Table of Contents

GitHub AUTH48 Experiment: RFC 8829

High-Level Summary

Work Flow

The authors and editor agreed to use the GitHub Pull Request work flow:

  1. The authors answer the AQ in the comments of the issue (e.g., see comments for #922).
  2. The authors indicate that an issue is ready for editor attention by labeling the issue “editor-ready” and assigning the issue to the editor.
  3. The editor creates a branch off the rfced branch to address the issue.
  4. The editor makes edits in that branch.
  5. The editor commits changes.
  6. The editor creates a Pull Request (PR) to submit the changes to the repo (e.g., PR #997).
  7. The authors review the PR:
    1. If the PR is accepted, the authors merge the changes to the rfced branch, which closes the issue.
    2. If the PR is rejected, the editor makes changes to the current branch and resubmits the PR.
  8. Repeat for the other issues.

The authors and the editor set up notifications so that many of these steps automatically generated emails to involved parties (assigning/commenting on issues, use of @mentions, creating/accepting/rejecting PRs). 766 messages were generated during AUTH48.
