Internet Engineering Task Force Ralph Droms INTERNET-DRAFT Bucknell University July, 1991 A LaTeX Style for RFCs and Internet Drafts 1 Status This Internet Draft is submitted in the spirit of the ``RFC nroff macros'' Internet Draft submitted by Jon Postel. The LaTeX style file described in this document produces documents in the style of RFCs and Internet Drafts. Please respond with comments to the author at 2 Summary The LaTeX style file rfc.sty produces documents in the style of RFCs and Internet Drafts. rfc.sty includes the following commands: Command Parameter RFC or I-D? Description rfc (none) RFC Use RFC format i-d (none) I-D Use Internet Draft format title Document title both Specifies title for document author Author's name both Specifies author's name address Author's address both Specifies author's address pubdate Publication date both Specifies publication date rfcnum RFC number RFC Specifies RFC number All parameters are text strings that are inserted directly into the appropriate fields in the formatted document. INTERNET-DRAFT A LaTeX Style for RFCs and Internet Drafts July, 1991 3 Example The following example was extracted from the LaTeX input that generated this document: \documentstyle[rfc]{article} % \rfc - used when generating RFC instead of I-D % \rfcnum{xxxx} \i-d \title{A \LaTeX\ Style for RFCs and Internet Drafts} \author{Ralph Droms} \address{Bucknell University} \pubdate{July, 1991} \begin{document} \maketitle 4 Comments rfc.sty is available for anonymous FTP from in file droms/rfc.sty. rfc.sty would be much more useful with a good dvi-to-ASCII conversion mechanism. We're working on it. Appendix - Listing of rfc.sty \def\rfc{\gdef\@pubtype{RFC} \gdef\@pubhdr{Request for Comments:} \gdef\@pubgroup{Network Working Group}} \def\i-d{\gdef\@pubtype{INTERNET-DRAFT} \gdef\@pubhdr{INTERNET-DRAFT} \gdef\@pubgroup{Internet Engineering Task Force}} \def\@rfcnum{} \def\rfcnum#1{\gdef\@rfcnum{#1}} \def\pubdate#1{\gdef\@pubdate{#1}} Ralph Droms [Page 2] INTERNET-DRAFT A LaTeX Style for RFCs and Internet Drafts July, 1991 \def\address#1{\gdef\@address{#1}} \def\maketitle{\par \begingroup \newpage \global\@topnum\z@ \@maketitle \@makeheadings \endgroup \setcounter{footnote}{0} \let\maketitle\relax \let\@maketitle\relax } \def\@maketitle{\newpage \null \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth} {@{\extracolsep{0pt}} l @{\extracolsep{\fill}} r @{\extracolsep{0pt}}} \@pubgroup & \@author \\ \@pubhdr\ \@rfcnum & \@address \\ & \@pubdate \end{tabular*} \begin{center} \large\bf\@title \end{center} \def\@makeheadings{ \null % Generate RFC page headings \gdef\@oddhead {\rm \@pubtype\ \@rfcnum \hfil \@title \hfil \@pubdate} \gdef\@evenhead {\rm \@pubtype \@rfcnum \hfil \@title \hfil \@pubdate} \gdef\@oddfoot {\rm \@author\hfil [Page \thepage ]} \gdef\@evenfoot {\rm \@author\hfil [Page \thepage ]} } } \evensidemargin 0in \oddsidemargin 0in \topmargin 0pt \textwidth 6in \textheight 8.5in \parindent 0in \parskip 12pt \thispagestyle{empty} Ralph Droms [Page 3]