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Found 1 record.

Status: Reported (1)

RFC 8688, "A Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Response Code for Rejected Calls", December 2019

Source of RFC: sipcore (art)

Errata ID: 6586
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT, PDF, HTML

Reported By: Amrita Bhatt
Date Reported: 2021-05-18

Section 3 says:

                         +--------+         +-----------+
                         | Called |         |   Call    |
        +-----+          | Party  |         | Analytics |   +-----+
        | UAC |          | Proxy  |         |  Engine   |   | UAS |
        +-----+          +--------+         +-----------+   +-----+
           |  INVITE         |                    |            |
           | --------------> |  Is call OK?       |            |
           |                 |------------------->|            |
           |                 |                    |            |
           |                 |               Yes  |            |
           |                 |<-------------------|            |
           |                 |                    |            |
           |                 | INVITE             |            |
           |                 | ------------------------------> |
           |                 |                    |            |
           |                 |                    |       607  |
           |                 | <------------------------------ |
           |                 |                    |            |
           |                 |  Unwanted call     |            |
           |            607  | -----------------> |            |
           | <-------------- |  indicators        |            |
           |                 |                    |            |

It should say:

                         +--------+         +-----------+
                         | Called |         |   Call    |
        +-----+          | Party  |         | Analytics |   +-----+
        | UAC |          | Proxy  |         |  Engine   |   | UAS |
        +-----+          +--------+         +-----------+   +-----+
           |  INVITE         |                    |            |
           | --------------> |  Is call OK?       |            |
           |                 |------------------->|            |
           |                 |                    |            |
           |                 |               No   |            |
           |                 |<-------------------|            |
           |                 |                    |            |
           |                 |              	  |            |
           |                 |                    |            |
           |                 |                    |            |
           |            608  |                    |            |
           | <-------------- |                    |            |
           |                 |                    |            |


"Figure 4: Rejected (608) Ladder Diagram" does not depict correct signalling flow.

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