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Status: Verified (2)

RFC 7401, "Host Identity Protocol Version 2 (HIPv2)", April 2015

Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 8002, RFC 9374

Source of RFC: hip (int)

Errata ID: 4408
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Tom Henderson
Date Reported: 2015-07-03
Verifier Name: Brian Haberman
Date Verified: 2015-09-14

Section 4.4.4 says:

     .   +---------+  recv I2, send R2                       |         |
   +---->| I1-SENT |--------------------------------------+  |         |
   |     +---------+            +----------------------+  |  |         |
   |          | recv R2,        | recv I2, send R2     |  |  |         |
   |          v send I2         |                      v  v  v         |
   |       +---------+          |                    +---------+       |
   |  +--->| I2-SENT |----------+     +--------------| R2-SENT |<---+  |
   |  |    +---------+                |              +---------+    |  |

It should say:

     .   +---------+  recv I2, send R2                       |         |
   +---->| I1-SENT |--------------------------------------+  |         |
   |     +---------+            +----------------------+  |  |         |
   |          | recv R1,        | recv I2, send R2     |  |  |         |
   |          v send I2         |                      v  v  v         |
   |       +---------+          |                    +---------+       |
   |  +--->| I2-SENT |----------+     +--------------| R2-SENT |<---+  |
   |  |    +---------+                |              +---------+    |  |


This state machine figure is informative. Normative (correct) specification for the I1-SENT to I2-SENT state transition (due to recv R1 event) is in Section 6.8.

Errata ID: 6654
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Nikolai Malykh
Date Reported: 2021-08-04
Verifier Name: Eric Vyncke
Date Verified: 2021-08-05

Section 5.3.3 says:

   If present in the I1 packet, the Initiator MUST include an unmodified
   copy of the R1_COUNTER parameter received in the corresponding R1
   packet into the I2 packet.

It should say:

   If present in the R1 packet, the Initiator MUST include an unmodified
   copy of the R1_COUNTER parameter received in the corresponding R1
   packet into the I2 packet.


Packet name error, must be R1

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