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RFC 7208, "Sender Policy Framework (SPF) for Authorizing Use of Domains in Email, Version 1", April 2014

Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 7372, RFC 8553, RFC 8616

Source of RFC: spfbis (app)

Errata ID: 4841
Status: Reported
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Alessandro Vesely
Date Reported: 2016-10-25

Section 3.5. says:

      EXAMPLE.COM.          MX      10      A.EXAMPLE.COM
      *.EXAMPLE.COM.        MX      10      A.EXAMPLE.COM
      A.EXAMPLE.COM.        MX      10      A.EXAMPLE.COM
      *.A.EXAMPLE.COM.      MX      10      A.EXAMPLE.COM

It should say:

      EXAMPLE.COM.          MX      10      A.EXAMPLE.COM.
      *.EXAMPLE.COM.        MX      10      A.EXAMPLE.COM.
      A.EXAMPLE.COM.        MX      10      A.EXAMPLE.COM.
      *.A.EXAMPLE.COM.      MX      10      A.EXAMPLE.COM.


This is an editorial errata, since it is a punctuation error.

It is not technical, because the example might have implied an $ORIGIN of "." or some other strange setting, while a normative reference --rfc 1035-- makes it very clear that "[d]omain names that end in a dot are called absolute, and are taken as complete." Hence no technical meaning is affected.

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