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Status: Verified (1)

RFC 7012, "Information Model for IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX)", September 2013

Source of RFC: ipfix (ops)

Errata ID: 3881
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Brian Trammell
Date Reported: 2014-02-05
Verifier Name: Benoit Claise
Date Verified: 2014-03-02

Section 3.1 says:

The current encodings of these data types for use with the IPFIX 
protocol are defined in [RFC7011]; encodings allowing the use of 
the IPFIX Information Elements [IANA-IPFIX] with other protocols 
may be defined in the future by referencing this document.

It should say:

The abstract data type definitions in this section are intended 
only to define the values which can be taken by Information 
Elements of each type. The encodings of these data types for 
use with the IPFIX protocol are defined in Section 6.1 of 
[RFC7011]; encodings allowing the use of the IPFIX Information 
Elements [IANA-IPFIX] with other protocols may be defined in 
the future by referencing this document. Note that for timestamp 
encodings (sections 3.1.15 - 3.1.18), it is the responsibility of 
the encoding to ensure that each representation has an 
unambiguous mapping to a moment in time (e.g. relative to a 
defined epoch).


The separation of epoch selection between ADT and encoding in 7011 and 7012 (as compared to 5101 and 5102, which they obsolete, respectively) led to it being unclear that timestamp ADTs require a fixed reference epoch for interpretation. This change clarifies the point, replacing Errata ID 3852.

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