RFC Errata
Found 6 records.
Status: Reported (5)
RFC 6787, "Media Resource Control Protocol Version 2 (MRCPv2)", November 2012
Source of RFC: speechsc (rai)
Errata ID: 6999
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Andreas Häber
Date Reported: 2022-06-20
Section 9.20 says:
S->C: MRCP/2.0 ... INTERPRETATION-COMPLETE 543266 200 COMPLETE Channel-Identifier:32AECB23433801@speechrecog Completion-Cause:000 success Content-Type:application/nlsml+xml Content-Length:... <?xml version="1.0"?> <result xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:mrcpv2" xmlns:ex="http://www.example.com/example" grammar="session:request1@form-level.store"> <interpretation> <instance name="Person"> <ex:Person> <ex:Name> Andre Roy </ex:Name> </ex:Person> </instance> <input> may I speak to Andre Roy </input> </interpretation> </result>
It should say:
S->C: MRCP/2.0 ... INTERPRETATION-COMPLETE 543266 COMPLETE Channel-Identifier:32AECB23433801@speechrecog Completion-Cause:000 success Content-Type:application/nlsml+xml Content-Length:... <?xml version="1.0"?> <result xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:mrcpv2" xmlns:ex="http://www.example.com/example" grammar="session:request1@form-level.store"> <interpretation> <instance name="Person"> <ex:Person> <ex:Name> Andre Roy </ex:Name> </ex:Person> </instance> <input> may I speak to Andre Roy </input> </interpretation> </result>
event-line does *not* include a status-code.
Errata ID: 5308
Status: Reported
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Xiong Chao
Date Reported: 2018-03-28
Section 5.1 says:
It should say:
The definition of event-line in Section 5.5 NOT include status-code.
Errata ID: 5313
Status: Reported
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Xiong Chao
Date Reported: 2018-03-29
Section 9.8 says:
C->S:MRCP/2.0 ... DEFINE-GRAMMAR 543258 Channel-Identifier:32AECB23433801@speechrecog Content-Type:application/srgs+xml Content-ID:<helpgrammar@root-level.store> Content-Length:... <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- the default grammar language is US English --> <grammar xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-US" version="1.0"> <rule id="request"> I need help </rule> S->C:MRCP/2.0 ... 543258 200 COMPLETE
It should say:
C->S:MRCP/2.0 ... DEFINE-GRAMMAR 543258 Channel-Identifier:32AECB23433801@speechrecog Content-Type:application/srgs+xml Content-ID:<helpgrammar@root-level.store> Content-Length:... <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- the default grammar language is US English --> <grammar xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/grammar" xml:lang="en-US" version="1.0"> <rule id="request"> I need help </rule> </grammar> S->C:MRCP/2.0 ... 543258 200 COMPLETE
</grammar> is missing
Errata ID: 5315
Status: Reported
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Xiong Chao
Date Reported: 2018-03-30
Section 11.11 says:
C->S: MRCP/2.0 ... QUERY-VOICEPRINT 314163 Channel-Identifier:32AECB23433801@speakverify Repository-URI:http://www.example.com/voiceprints/ Voiceprint-Identifier:johnsmith
It should say:
C->S: MRCP/2.0 ... QUERY-VOICEPRINT 314163 Channel-Identifier:32AECB23433801@speakverify Repository-URI:http://www.example.com/voiceprints/ Voiceprint-Identifier:johnsmith.voiceprint
Errata ID: 7907
Status: Reported
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Pete Resnick
Date Reported: 2024-04-25
Section 13.1.3 says:
Content-ID Generic [RFC2392], [RFC2046], and [RFC5322]
It should say:
Content-ID Generic [RFC2046]
Content-ID is defined in 2046, not in 2392 or 5322. IANA asked about this when 5322 was being obsoleted and wanted to update the reference. IANA needs to simply remove 2392 and 5322 from the registry entry for Content-ID. That said, there are a bunch of other items in this registry where the reference seems to be to HTTP rather than to 6787 itself, but I'm not clear on the intent here. If someone wants to make this a bigger erratum, feel free.
Status: Held for Document Update (1)
RFC 6787, "Media Resource Control Protocol Version 2 (MRCPv2)", November 2012
Source of RFC: speechsc (rai)
Errata ID: 3657
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Joël Repiquet
Date Reported: 2013-06-17
Held for Document Update by: Richard Barnes
Section 13.7 says:
IANA has registered the following SDP parameter values. The information for each follows the template given in RFC 4566 [RFC4566], Appendix B.
It should say:
IANA has registered the following SDP parameter values. The information for each follows the template given in RFC 4566 [RFC4566], Section 8.2.