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Status: Verified (1)

RFC 6374, "Packet Loss and Delay Measurement for MPLS Networks", September 2011

Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 7214

Source of RFC: mpls (rtg)

Errata ID: 4000
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Stewart Bryant
Date Reported: 2014-05-27
Verifier Name: Alia Atlas
Date Verified: 2014-05-28

Section 3.5 says:

Upon receipt of a query message including an unrecognized mandatory 
TLV object, the recipient MUST respond with an Unsupported Mandatory 
TLV Object error code.

It should say:

In this specification an object that is classed as mandatory is 
one that the responder MUST either support or respond to indicating 
that it does not support. Thus upon receipt of a query message 
including an unrecognized mandatory TLV object, the recipient 
MUST respond with an Unsupported Mandatory TLV Object error 
code. Note that the term mandatory does not indicate mandatory 
to implement or mandatory to send.


In discussion on the MPLS list there was concern about the meaning
of the term "mandatory" in this RFC. The use of the term is
somewhat unusual in an IETF context, but the quoted original
text makes it clear that there is no requirement to implement
mandatory objects, only to respond to the reception of one if
it is not supported.

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