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Status: Verified (6)

RFC 6313, "Export of Structured Data in IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX)", July 2011

Source of RFC: ipfix (ops)

Errata ID: 3232
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Paul Aitken
Date Reported: 2012-05-25
Verifier Name: Benoit Claise
Date Verified: 2012-06-04

Section 4.5.3 says:

   In the exceptional case of zero instances in the
   subTemplateMultiList, no data is encoded, only the Semantic field and
   Template ID field(s), and the Data Record Length field is set to

It should say:

   In the exceptional case of zero instances in the
   subTemplateMultiList, no data is encoded, only the Semantic field and
   Template ID field(s), and the Data Records Length field is set to


s/zero/four/ && s/Record/Records/

- because the Data Record Length field includes two bytes for the Template ID and two bytes for the Data Records Length field itself, as specified on page 23:

Data Records Length

This is the total length of the Data Records encoding for the
Template ID previously specified, including the two bytes for the
Template ID and the two bytes for the Data Records Length field

Therefore, a Data Records Length < 4 bytes is invalid. This should be noted in the "Data Records Length" definition.

Also note the pluralisation of "Records" in the definition.

Kudos to Manish Patil, manish.patil@guavus.com

Errata ID: 2909
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Paul Aitken
Date Reported: 2011-08-02
Verifier Name: Dan Romascanu
Date Verified: 2011-08-02

Section Figure 15 says:

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |        Set ID = 2             |      Length = 16 octets       |
   |       Template ID = 257       |       Field Count = 2         |
   |0| observationTimeMicroSec=324 |       Field Length = 8        |
   |0|   digestHashValue = 326     |       Field Length = 4        |

It should say:

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |        Set ID = 2             |      Length = 16 octets       |
   |       Template ID = 257       |       Field Count = 2         |
   |0| observationTimeMicrosec=324 |       Field Length = 8        |
   |0|   digestHashValue = 326     |       Field Length = 4        |



Per RFC5477 and IANA's IPFIX registry, the correct name is "observationTimeMicroseconds".

Errata ID: 2873
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Paul Aitken
Date Reported: 2011-07-28
Verifier Name: Dan Romascanu
Date Verified: 2011-08-02

Section 11 says:

Two new IPFIX registries have been created, and the existing IPFIX
Information Element registry has been updated as detailed below.

It should say:

A new IPFIX registry has been created, and the existing IPFIX
Information Element registry has been updated as detailed below.


Only one new registry has been created - for the "structured data types semantics", per section 11.4 of the document.

Errata ID: 2874
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Paul Aitken
Date Reported: 2011-07-28
Verifier Name: Dan Romascanu
Date Verified: 2011-08-02

Section 11 says:

   This document specifies several new IPFIX abstract data types, a new
   IPFIX Data Type Semantic, and several new Information Elements.

It should say:

This document specifies several new IPFIX abstract data types, a
new IPFIX Data Type Semantic, and several new Information
Elements. Furthermore, this document updates the schema at
http://www.iana.org/assignments/xml-registry/schema/ipfix.xsd with
the changes specified in Appendix A.


Agreed addition of "Furthermore ,,. Appendix A." was overlooked during AUTH48.

Errata ID: 2884
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Paul Aitken
Date Reported: 2011-08-01
Verifier Name: Dan Romascanu
Date Verified: 2011-08-02

Section 10.1 says:

   "Reducing Redundancy in IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) and Packet
   Sampling (PSAMP) Reports" [RFC5473] describes a bandwidth saving
   method for exporting Flow or packet information using the IP Flow
   Information Export (IPFIX) protocol.

   It defines the commonPropertiesID Information Element for exporting
   Common Properties.

It should say:

   "Reducing Redundancy in IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) and Packet
   Sampling (PSAMP) Reports" [RFC5473] describes a bandwidth saving
   method for exporting Flow or packet information using the IP Flow
   Information Export (IPFIX) protocol.

   It discusses the commonPropertiesID Information Element for exporting
   Common Properties.



- commonPropertiesId is not defined in [RFC5473], but in [RFC5101].
[RFC5473] doesn't have any IANA actions.

Errata ID: 2904
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Paul Aitken
Date Reported: 2011-08-01
Verifier Name: Dan Romascanu
Date Verified: 2011-08-02

Section 9.4 says:

        5-tuple (Flow Keys), octetCount, packetCount


   srcIP      | dstIP     | src  | dst  | proto | octetCount | packet
              |           | Port | Port |       |            | Count
   2001:DB8::1 2001:DB8::2  1025    80      6       108000      120

It should say:

        5-tuple (Flow Keys), octetTotalCount, packetTotalCount


   srcIP      | dstIP     | src  | dst  | proto | octetTotal | packetTotal
              |           | Port | Port |       |   Count    |    Count
   2001:DB8::1 2001:DB8::2  1025    80      6       108000         120


s/octetCount/octetTotalCount/ (twice)
s/packetCount/packetTotalCount/ (twice)

"octetCount" and "packetCount" don't exist. Per RFC5102 and IANA's IPFIX registry, the correct names are octetTotalCount and packetTotalCount.

NB correct usage in the figure on page 43 and in Figure 20 indicates that these are not the DeltaCount form.

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