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Status: Verified (2)

RFC 6214, "Adaptation of RFC 1149 for IPv6", April 2011


Errata ID: 4323
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Joe Klein
Date Reported: 2015-04-01
Verifier Name: Nevil Brownlee
Date Verified: 2015-06-30

Section 8. Security says:


New Physical and Link layer problem have been discovered and should be addressed in this RFC, and they are:
1. Avian IP carriers are competing for air space with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), and as such have a higher probability of packet collision at Layer 1 has increase in retransmissions.
2. On path Avian IP carrier dropouts, caused by draughts, may also lead to a connection loss, and increase in retransmission.

Errata ID: 3566
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Dale Worley
Date Reported: 2013-03-26
Verifier Name: Nevil Brownlee
Date Verified: 2013-05-27

Section Metadata says:

RFC 6214 updates RFC 1149, in a similar way to RFC 2549 updating 
RFC 1149.  But there is no metadata in RFC 6214 stating that it 
updates RFC 1149.

It should say:

"Updates: 1149"


I discovered this defect while trying to find what was described to me as "the IPv6 update to 'avian carriers'". So actual people are inconvenienced by this defect.

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