RFC Errata
Found 7 records.
Status: Held for Document Update (4)
RFC 5988, "Web Linking", October 2010
Note: This RFC has been obsoleted by RFC 8288
Source of RFC: IETF - NON WORKING GROUPArea Assignment: app
Errata ID: 3158
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Julian Reschke
Date Reported: 2012-03-19
Held for Document Update by: Peter Saint-Andre
Section 5. says:
Link = "Link" ":" #link-value link-value = "<" URI-Reference ">" *( ";" link-param ) link-param = ( ( "rel" "=" relation-types ) | ( "anchor" "=" <"> URI-Reference <"> ) | ( "rev" "=" relation-types ) | ( "hreflang" "=" Language-Tag ) | ( "media" "=" ( MediaDesc | ( <"> MediaDesc <"> ) ) ) | ( "title" "=" quoted-string ) | ( "title*" "=" ext-value ) | ( "type" "=" ( media-type | quoted-mt ) ) | ( link-extension ) ) link-extension = ( parmname [ "=" ( ptoken | quoted-string ) ] ) | ( ext-name-star "=" ext-value ) ext-name-star = parmname "*" ; reserved for RFC2231-profiled ; extensions. Whitespace NOT ; allowed in between. ptoken = 1*ptokenchar ptokenchar = "!" | "#" | "$" | "%" | "&" | "'" | "(" | ")" | "*" | "+" | "-" | "." | "/" | DIGIT | ":" | "<" | "=" | ">" | "?" | "@" | ALPHA | "[" | "]" | "^" | "_" | "`" | "{" | "|" | "}" | "~" media-type = type-name "/" subtype-name quoted-mt = <"> media-type <"> relation-types = relation-type | <"> relation-type *( 1*SP relation-type ) <"> relation-type = reg-rel-type | ext-rel-type reg-rel-type = LOALPHA *( LOALPHA | DIGIT | "." | "-" ) ext-rel-type = URI
The ABNF special cases the value syntax for each predefined parameter name, and furthermore, introduces a quoted-string-like notation without using the RFC2616/httpbis quoted-string syntax.
This is confusing in that
- parsing of parameter values depends on the parameter names
- some of the time double quotes indicate quoted-string syntax, sometimes not
- sometimes only one variant (token vs quoted-string) is allowed, although a generic parser will accept both
This is in conflict with a recommendation in HTTPbis Part 2 (<http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-p2-semantics-19#section-3.1>), and also does not reflect reality (see, for instance, <http://greenbytes.de/tech/tc/httplink/#simplecsstitletok>).
The ABNF should be simplified so that all parameters take both token and quoted-string, and that any additional syntactical constraints apply to quoted-string after undoing q-s escaping.
Errata ID: 2630
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Julian Reschke
Date Reported: 2010-11-13
Held for Document Update by: Peter Saint-Andre
Section 5 says:
ext-name-star = parmname "*" ; reserved for RFC2231-profiled ; extensions. Whitespace NOT ; allowed in between.
It should say:
ext-name-star = parmname "*" ; reserved for RFC5987-profiled ; extensions. Whitespace NOT ; allowed in between.
RFC5987 clarifies RFC2231 for use in HTTP. The update in RFC5988 left two mentions of RFC2231 which should be updated.
Errata ID: 2631
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Julian Reschke
Date Reported: 2010-11-13
Held for Document Update by: Peter Saint-Andre
Section 5 says:
The example below shows an instance of the Link header encoding multiple links, and also the use of RFC 2231 encoding to encode both non-ASCII characters and language information.
It should say:
The example below shows an instance of the Link header encoding multiple links, and also the use of RFC 5987 encoding to encode both non-ASCII characters and language information.
RFC5987 clarifies RFC2231 for use in HTTP. The update in RFC5988 left two mentions of RFC2231 which should be updated.
Errata ID: 3075
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: John Klensin
Date Reported: 2012-01-04
Held for Document Update by: Peter Saint-Andre
Section 8 says:
none - suggestion below is an addition
It should say:
Add a new paragraph: Note that registered Relation Names are required to be lower-case ASCII letters.
This is not important, but a useful placeholder for any future revision.
One can determine the above by tracing back through the ABNF to RFC 2616 and examine the LOALPHA production there. But, to prevent confusion, an "Internationalization Considerations" section should probably call out ASCII restrictions explicitly. One could, as an alternative, include that information under "IANA Considerations" for new registrations (Section 6.2.1 of the present version), but I believe it should be explicitly noted somewhere in this document.
Status: Rejected (3)
RFC 5988, "Web Linking", October 2010
Note: This RFC has been obsoleted by RFC 8288
Source of RFC: IETF - NON WORKING GROUPArea Assignment: app
Errata ID: 3080
Status: Rejected
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Matt Parker
Date Reported: 2012-01-05
Rejected by: Peter Saint-Andre
Date Rejected: 2012-01-26
Section 5 says:
link-value = "<" URI-Reference ">" *( ";" link-param ) link-param = ( ( "rel" "=" relation-types ) | ( "anchor" "=" <"> URI-Reference <"> ) | ( "rev" "=" relation-types ) | ( "hreflang" "=" Language-Tag ) | ( "media" "=" ( MediaDesc | ( <"> MediaDesc <"> ) ) ) | ( "title" "=" quoted-string ) | ( "title*" "=" ext-value ) | ( "type" "=" ( media-type | quoted-mt ) ) | ( link-extension ) )
It should say:
link-value = "<" URI-Reference ">" [( ";" rel-param )] *( ";" anchor-param ) *( ";" rev-param ) *( ";" hreflang-param ) [( ";" media-param )] [( ";" title-param )] [( ";" title-alt-param )] [( ";" type-param )] *( ";" link-extension ) rel-param = ( "rel" "=" relation-types ) anchor-param = ( "anchor" "=" <"> URI-Reference <"> ) rev-param = ( "rev" "=" relation-types ) hreflang-param = ( "hreflang" "=" Language-Tag ) media-param = ( "media" "=" ( MediaDesc | ( <"> MediaDesc <"> ) ) ) title-param = ( "title" "=" quoted-string ) title-alt-param = ( "title*" "=" ext-value ) type-param = ( "type" "=" ( media-type | quoted-mt ) )
The ABNF for link-value is misleading. It defines link-value as allowing any number of link-params. However, only upon reading the text of both sections 5.3 and 5.4 does the reader discover that "rel", "media", "title", "title*", and "type" are specifically allowed only once. Further, the text of section 5.2 is ambiguous as to whether or not multiple anchors are allowed.
Mark Nottingham notes:
The proposed ABNF makes ordering significant, which is NOT specified or intended. ABNF can never capture all of the constraints on syntax; that's why we have prose.
Errata ID: 4344
Status: Rejected
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Peter Rushforth
Date Reported: 2015-04-22
Rejected by: Barry Leiba
Date Rejected: 2015-04-22
Section 5 says:
media-type = type-name "/" subtype-name quoted-mt = <"> media-type <">
It should say:
media-type = type-name "/" subtype-name quoted-mt = <"> type-name "/" subtype-name *( OWS ";" OWS parameter )<">
The text as it stands excludes the possibility of including media type parameters. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6838#section-4.3
Suggested ABNF above adapted from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-5.3.2
For better or worse, doing it this way was an explicit decision when the document was developed, so this doesn't qualify as errata. Issues are being collected for a possible 5988bis, and this can be added and discussed there:
Errata ID: 2596
Status: Rejected
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Andy Mabbett
Date Reported: 2010-10-29
Rejected by: Peter Saint-Andre
Date Rejected: 2010-11-18
Section nonspecific says:
It should say:
Ignores prior art, such as http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/RelExtensions (for example, rel-accessibility)
Peter: It was never the intent of this document to register existing link relations, therefore the document is not in error.