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Status: Verified (2)

RFC 5348, "TCP Friendly Rate Control (TFRC): Protocol Specification", September 2008

Source of RFC: dccp (tsv)

Errata ID: 1614
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Alfred Hoenes
Date Reported: 2008-11-24
Verifier Name: Lars Eggert
Date Verified: 2008-11-28

Section 4.6, pg. 19 says:

<<  last paragraph of Section 4.6 >>

   For TFRC senders allowed to accumulate sending credits for unused
   send time over the last T seconds, the sender would be allowed to use
|  unused nominal send times t_j for t_j < now - T, for T set to the
   round-trip time.

It should say:

   For TFRC senders allowed to accumulate sending credits for unused
   send time over the last T seconds, the sender would be allowed to use
|  unused nominal send times t_j for t_j < t_now - T, for T set to the
   round-trip time.


Consistent use of variable names.

Errata ID: 1615
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Alfred Hoenes
Date Reported: 2008-11-24
Verifier Name: Lars Eggert
Date Verified: 2008-11-28

Section 6.2, pg.28 says:

   2)  Calculate the measured receive rate, X_recv, based on the packets
       received within the previous R_(m-1) seconds.  This is performed
       whether the feedback timer expired at its normal time or expired
|      early due to a new lost or marked packet (i.e., step (3) in
       Section 6.1).

It should say:

   2)  Calculate the measured receive rate, X_recv, based on the packets
       received within the previous R_(m-1) seconds.  This is performed
       whether the feedback timer expired at its normal time or expired
|      early due to a new lost or marked packet (i.e., step (4) in
       Section 6.1).


The steps in 6.1 have been renumbered since RFC 3448, due to
the insertion of a new step (2); this change apparently has
been missed here.

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