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Status: Verified (6)

RFC 2516, "A Method for Transmitting PPP Over Ethernet (PPPoE)", February 1999

Source of RFC: Legacy
Area Assignment: int

Errata ID: 5634
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Chris Fletcher
Date Reported: 2019-02-11
Verifier Name: Eric Vyncke
Date Verified: 2023-08-03

Section Appendix A says:

If there is data, and the first octet of the data is nonzero, then
it MUST be a printable UTF-8 string which explains why the request
was denied.  This string MAY NOT be NULL terminated.

(multiple occurrences of "MAY NOT")

It should say:

If there is data, and the first octet of the data is nonzero, then
it MUST be a printable UTF-8 string which explains why the request
was denied.  This string MUST NOT be NULL terminated.

(all occurrences of "MAY NOT" must be changed to "MUST NOT")


The keyword "MAY NOT" does not exist in RFC 2119. It should be "MUST NOT".

Errata ID: 7746
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Christophe Deleuze
Date Reported: 2024-01-01
Verifier Name: Éric Vyncke
Date Verified: 2024-01-12

Section 7 says:

      Field Check Sequence (FCS) Alternatives,

      Address-and-Control-Field-Compression (ACFC),

      Asynchronous-Control-Character-Map (ACCM)

It should say:


      Address-and-Control-Field-Compression (ACFC),

      Async-Control-Character-Map (ACCM)


The names used for the first and third options is not the offical one (as defined on https://www.iana.org/assignments/ppp-numbers/ppp-numbers.xhtml#ppp-numbers-4 and in rfc1570 and rfc1662, respectively). Moreover, if FCS really had to be "expanded", it should be Frame (rather than Field) Ckeck Sequence. This is from common knowledge, and from rfc1570 appendix A.

Errata ID: 4759
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Patrick Timmons
Date Reported: 2016-08-03
Verifier Name: Erik Kline
Date Verified: 2023-06-10

Section 1 says:

   Concentrator.  With this model, each host utilizes it's own PPP stack

It should say:

   Concentrator.  With this model, each host utilizes its own PPP stack



Errata ID: 4760
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Patrick Timmons
Date Reported: 2016-08-03
Verifier Name: Erik Kline
Date Verified: 2023-06-10

Section 4 says:

   network byte order.  It's value is defined below for Discovery

It should say:

   network byte order.  Its value is defined below for Discovery



Errata ID: 4761
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Patrick Timmons
Date Reported: 2016-08-03
Verifier Name: Erik Kline
Date Verified: 2023-06-10

Section 8 says:

   of time, it SHOULD resend it's PADI packet and double the waiting

It should say:

   of time, it SHOULD resend its PADI packet and double the waiting



Errata ID: 5788
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Bo Li
Date Reported: 2019-07-22
Verifier Name: RFC Editor
Date Verified: 2021-02-10

Section 7 says:

   It is RECOMMENDED that the Access Concentrator ocassionally send
   Echo-Request packets to the Host to determine the state of the
   session.  Otherwise, if the Host terminates a session without sending
   a Terminate-Request packet, the Access Concentrator will not be able
   to determine that the session has gone away.

It should say:

   It is RECOMMENDED that the Access Concentrator occasionally send
   Echo-Request packets to the Host to determine the state of the
   session.  Otherwise, if the Host terminates a session without sending
   a Terminate-Request packet, the Access Concentrator will not be able
   to determine that the session has gone away.


Typo. The word "ocassionally" should be "occasionally".

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