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RFC 9553, "JSContact: A JSON Representation of Contact Data", May 2024

Source of RFC: calext (art)

Errata ID: 8263
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT, PDF, HTML

Reported By: n4n5
Date Reported: 2025-01-27

Section Figure 20 says:

     "@type": "Card",
     "language": "zh-Hant",
     "name": {
       "components": [
         { "kind": "surname", "value": "孫" },
         { "kind": "given", "value": "中山" },
         { "kind": "given2", "value": "文" },
         { "kind": "given2", "value": "逸仙" }
     "localizations": {
       "yue": {
         "name/phoneticSystem": "jyut",
         "name/phoneticScript": "Latn",
         "name/components/0/phonetic": "syun1",
         "name/components/1/phonetic": "zung1saan1",
         "name/components/2/phonetic": "man4",
         "name/components/3/phonetic": "jat6sin1"

It should say:

"language": "zh-Hant",
"name": {
  "components": [
    { "kind": "surname", "value": "孫" },
    { "kind": "given", "value": "中山" },
    { "kind": "given2", "value": "文" },
    { "kind": "given2", "value": "逸仙" }
"localizations": {
  "yue": {
    "name/phoneticSystem": "jyut",
    "name/phoneticScript": "Latn",
    "name/components/0/phonetic": "syun1",
    "name/components/1/phonetic": "zung1saan1",
    "name/components/2/phonetic": "man4",
    "name/components/3/phonetic": "jat6sin1"


The figure 20 is not following the RFC because some mandatory fields are not present: version, uid

Two possible solutions

- adding missing fields. Note that this is not *my* preferred solution

"@type": "Card",
"version": "1.0",
"uid": "22B2C7DF-9120-4969-8460-05956FE6B065",
"language": "zh-Hant",
"name": {
"components": [
{ "kind": "surname", "value": "孫" },
{ "kind": "given", "value": "中山" },
{ "kind": "given2", "value": "文" },
{ "kind": "given2", "value": "逸仙" }
"localizations": {
"yue": {
"name/phoneticSystem": "jyut",
"name/phoneticScript": "Latn",
"name/components/0/phonetic": "syun1",
"name/components/1/phonetic": "zung1saan1",
"name/components/2/phonetic": "man4",
"name/components/3/phonetic": "jat6sin1"

- only show the useful properties - like in others figures (for example, figure 24)

"language": "zh-Hant",
"name": {
"components": [
{ "kind": "surname", "value": "孫" },
{ "kind": "given", "value": "中山" },
{ "kind": "given2", "value": "文" },
{ "kind": "given2", "value": "逸仙" }
"localizations": {
"yue": {
"name/phoneticSystem": "jyut",
"name/phoneticScript": "Latn",
"name/components/0/phonetic": "syun1",
"name/components/1/phonetic": "zung1saan1",
"name/components/2/phonetic": "man4",
"name/components/3/phonetic": "jat6sin1"

Errata ID: 8264
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT, PDF, HTML

Reported By: n4n5
Date Reported: 2025-01-27

Section 2.7.1. Figure 39 says:

    "name": {
        "components": [
            { "kind": "title", "value": "Mr." },
            { "kind": "given", "value": "Ivan" },
            { "kind": "given2", "value": "Petrovich" },
            { "kind": "surname", "value": "Vasiliev" }
    "localizations": {
        "uk-Cyrl": {
            "name": {
                "components": [
                    { "kind": "title", "value": "г-н" },
                    { "kind": "given", "value": "Иван" },
                    { "kind": "given2", "value": "Петрович" },
                    { "kind": "surname", "value": "Васильев" }

It should say:

"name": {
    "components": [
        { "kind": "title", "value": "Mr." },
        { "kind": "given", "value": "Ivan" },
        { "kind": "given2", "value": "Petrovich" },
        { "kind": "surname", "value": "Vasiliev" }
"localizations": {
    "uk-Cyrl": {
        "name": {
            "components": [
                { "kind": "title", "value": "г-н" },
                { "kind": "given", "value": "Иван" },
                { "kind": "given2", "value": "Петрович" },
                { "kind": "surname", "value": "Васильев" }


This errata is just for consistency

All others figures are not using open and end brackets, for example figure 24, 40, etc...

Technically if bracket are used, that could means we are in a closed struct, so in a card and the card is not valid as the RFC spec

By just remove first and last bracket, the figure is cleaner

Errata ID: 8265
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT, PDF, HTML

Reported By: n4n5
Date Reported: 2025-01-27

Section Figure 18 says:

"full": "Mr. John Q. Public, Esq."

It should say:

"name": {
    "full": "Mr. John Q. Public, Esq."


This errata is for consistency

In section The Name object is defined.
In figure 16,17,18,19 we give example of Name object
But the figure 18 is only the subpart of the Name object

With this update, all figures will be described the Name object consistently

Errata ID: 8266
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT, PDF, HTML

Reported By: n4n5
Date Reported: 2025-01-27

Section 2.6.2. Figure 36 says:

"directories": {
     "dir1": {
       "kind": "entry",
       "uri": "https://dir.example.com/addrbook/jdoe/Jean%20Dupont.vcf"
     "dir2": {
       "kind": "directory",
       "uri": "ldap://ldap.example/o=Example%20Tech,ou=Engineering",
       "pref": 1

It should say:

"directories": {
     "dir1": {
       "kind": "entry",
       "uri": "https://dir.example.com/addrbook/jdoe/Jean%20Dupont.vcf"
     "dir2": {
       "kind": "directory",
       "uri": "ldap://ldap.example/o=Example%20Tech,ou=Engineering",
       "pref": 1


Missing end bracket

Errata ID: 8267
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT, PDF, HTML

Reported By: n4n5
Date Reported: 2025-01-28

Section 2.6.1. cryptoKeys says:

A CryptoKey object has all properties of the Resource (Section 1.4.4)
data type, with the following additional definition:

The @type property value MUST be "CryptoKey", if set.

It should say:

A CryptoKey object has all properties of the Resource (Section 1.4.4)
data type, with the following additional definition:

- The @type property value MUST be "CryptoKey", if set.

- The kind property is optional. Its enumerated (Section 1.7.5) values

  - link
  - embed


I've noticed that CryptoKey is defined as a Resource but the CryptoKey "kind" is never defined.

The Resource specify that for kind: "The allowed values are defined in the property definition that makes use of the Resource type. Some property definitions may change this property from being optional to mandatory."

The proposed values in the corrected text are only suggestion from the example of the RFC

As values of "kind" type are registered with IANA we can see that the CryptoKey kind is not present at

If the CryptoKey kind is missing, I guess iana should also update the enum (email from the RFC: iana@iana.org)

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