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Status: Verified (14)

RFC 6350, "vCard Format Specification", August 2011

Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 6868, RFC 9554, RFC 9555

Source of RFC: vcarddav (app)

Errata ID: 3086
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Roberto Javier Godoy
Date Reported: 2012-01-09
Verifier Name: Peter Saint-Andre
Date Verified: 2012-01-23

Section 6.2.6 says:

     ANNIVERSARY-param = "VALUE=" ("date-and-or-time" / "text")
     ANNIVERSARY-value = date-and-or-time / text
       ; Value and parameter MUST match.

     ANNIVERSARY-param =/ altid-param / calscale-param / any-param
       ; calscale-param can only be present when ANNIVERSARY-value is
       ; date-and-or-time and actually contains a date or date-time.

It should say:

     ANNIVERSARY-param = ANNIVERSARY-param-date / ANNIVERSARY-param-text
     ANNIVERSARY-value = date-and-or-time / text
       ; Value and parameter MUST match.

     ANNIVERSARY-param-date = "VALUE=date-and-or-time"
     ANNIVERSARY-param-text = "VALUE=text" / language-param
     ANNIVERSARY-param =/ altid-param / calscale-param / any-param
       ; calscale-param can only be present when ANNIVERSARY-value is
       ; date-and-or-time and actually contains a date or date-time.


language-param should be allowed when ANNIVERSARY is reset to a single text value (BDAY, defined in section 6.2.5 accepts language-param)

Errata ID: 3136
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Kai Giebeler
Date Reported: 2012-02-25
Verifier Name: Peter Saint-Andre
Date Verified: 2012-02-27

Section 3.3. says:

   QSAFE-CHAR = WSP / "!" / %x23-7E / NON-ASCII
     ; Any character except CTLs, DQUOTE

   SAFE-CHAR = WSP / "!" / %x23-39 / %x3C-7E / NON-ASCII
     ; Any character except CTLs, DQUOTE, ";", ":"

     ; Any textual character

It should say:

   QSAFE-CHAR = WSP / "!" / %x23-7E / NON-ASCII
     ; Any character except CTLs, DQUOTE but including HTAB

   SAFE-CHAR = WSP / "!" / %x23-39 / %x3C-7E / NON-ASCII
     ; Any character except CTLs, DQUOTE, ";", ":" but including HTAB

     ; Any textual character including HTAB


The ABNF is inconsistent with the textual decription regarding the HTAB character which is part of WSP and CTL

Alternatively HTAB could be excluded by replacing WSP by SP in at least QSAFE-CHAR and SAFE-CHAR.

PSA: During discussion on the VCARDDAV list, Barry Leiba noted: "His point for the first two is that HTAB is a CTL (according to RFC 5234), so the comment "any character except CTLs" excludes HTAB. But the grammar uses WSP, which *includes* HTAB (also RFC 5234). So the comment is not consistent with the grammar. Either change WSP to SP (thus excluding HTAB, as the comment says) or make the change he suggests to the comment, so it's consistent with the grammar. For the third item, VALUE-CHAR, I think the point is that it's not
clear whether HTAB is a "textual character", since that term isn't
formally defined. By saying "including HTAB" in the comment (since
it's included by WSP), it's clearer." Agreement on list that this is a correct erratum. -- Peter Saint-Andre

Errata ID: 3377
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Stefan Ganzer
Date Reported: 2012-10-12
Verifier Name: Barry Leiba
Date Verified: 2012-10-12

Section 4 says:

component = "\\" / "\," / "\;" / "\n" / WSP / NON-ASCII
               / %x21-2B / %x2D-3A / %x3C-5B / %x5D-7E

It should say:

COMPONENT-CHAR = "\\" / "\," / "\;" / "\n" / WSP / NON-ASCII
               / %x21-2B / %x2D-3A / %x3C-5B / %x5D-7E
	   ; Backslashes, commas, semicolons, and newlines must be encoded.

component = *COMPONENT-CHAR


The property value data type "component" should be defined analogous to "text".

Errata ID: 3484
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Roberto Javier Godoy
Date Reported: 2013-02-17
Verifier Name: Barry Leiba
Date Verified: 2013-02-18

Section 4 says:

time          = hour [minute [second]] [zone]
              /  "-"  minute [second]  [zone]
              /  "-"   "-"    second   [zone]

It should say:

time          = hour [minute [second]] [zone]
              /  "-"  minute [second]  
              /  "-"   "-"    second   


Truncated time representations are defined in ISO 8601:2000 subclause

From ISO 8601:2000 subclauses 5.3.3 and, the UTC designator and utc-offset may only be applied to the representations specified in through (i.e. Complete representation, representations with reduced precision, and representation of decimal fractions).

If follows that the UTC designator or utc-offset must not be written after a truncated representation (second and third line of the corrected ABNF). For instance, the following representation should not be allowed: --42Z (the 42th second of a minute in Coordinated Universal Time)

Errata ID: 3713
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Michael Angstadt
Date Reported: 2013-08-29
Verifier Name: Barry Leiba
Date Verified: 2013-08-29

Section 5.9 says:

           FN:Rene van der Harten
           N;SORT-AS="Harten,Rene":van der Harten;Rene,J.;Sir;R.D.O.N.

           FN:Robert Pau Shou Chang
           N;SORT-AS="Pau Shou Chang,Robert":Shou Chang;Robert,Pau;;

           FN:Osamu Koura

           FN:Oscar del Pozo
           N;SORT-AS="Pozo,Oscar":del Pozo Triscon;Oscar;;

           FN:Chistine d'Aboville

           FN:H. James de Mann
           N;SORT-AS="Mann,James":de Mann;Henry,James;;

It should say:

           FN:Rene van der Harten
           N;SORT-AS="Harten,Rene":van der Harten;Rene;J.;Sir;R.D.O.N.

           FN:Robert Pau Shou Chang
           N;SORT-AS="Pau Shou Chang,Robert":Shou Chang;Robert;Pau;;

           FN:Osamu Koura

           FN:Oscar del Pozo
           N;SORT-AS="Pozo,Oscar":del Pozo Triscon;Oscar;;;

           FN:Chistine d'Aboville

           FN:H. James de Mann
           N;SORT-AS="Mann,James":de Mann;Henry;James;;


The N properties in this example text are missing the "additional names" component.

Three of the properties have a "given name" component which contains two values. For these properties, the second value should be used as the value of the additional names component.

The other three properties do not have any additional names. For these properties, an empty component should be added (a semi-colon character should be added to the property value).

Errata ID: 3846
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: David Riggle
Date Reported: 2013-12-20
Verifier Name: Barry Leiba
Date Verified: 2013-12-23

Section 6.5.2 says:


It should say:



Section 3.4 states that all property values must have COMMA characters escaped with a BACKSLASH character. The GEO property value in the example contains a comma. Therefore it must be escaped with a backslash.

Errata ID: 3845
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: David Riggle
Date Reported: 2013-12-20
Verifier Name: Barry Leiba
Date Verified: 2013-12-23

Section 6.2.4 says:


It should say:



Section 3.4 states that all property values must have COMMA characters escaped with a BACKSLASH character. The PHOTO property value in the example contains a comma. Therefore it must be escaped with a backslash. Note that there are several other uses of the "data:" URI scheme in the document that also need to be corrected.

Alternatively, a different format for base64 encoded data could be used in vCard 4.0. The ENCODING=b format used in vCard 3.0 wasn't so bad.

----- Verifier notes -----
This represents a difference from earlier versions of vCard, and the ABNF does not support escaping for URIs. This errata report is correct and verified, but a full correction to the issue will have to wait for a document update.

Errata ID: 7316
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Charles Burkitt
Date Reported: 2023-01-23
Verifier Name: Orie Steele
Date Verified: 2024-05-10

Section 5.4 says:

(Second line should probably have ALTID=1.)

It should say:

(Second line should probably have ALTID=1.)


The colon between TITLE and LANGUAGE should be a semicolon.

Errata ID: 2964
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Mykyta Yevstifeyev
Date Reported: 2011-09-08
Verifier Name: Peter Saint-Andre
Date Verified: 2011-09-09

Section 3.3 says:


It should say:

   param-value = *SAFE-CHAR / ( DQUOTE *QSAFE-CHAR DQUOTE )


This is to remove possibility of doubly understanding, eg.:




with the latter being right. See also http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/vcarddav/current/msg02318.html.

Errata ID: 3000
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Mykyta Yevstifeyev
Date Reported: 2011-10-21
Verifier Name: Peter Saint-Andre
Date Verified: 2011-11-12

Section 10.3.4 says:

   The following table is to be used to initialize the property values

            | Property | Value      | Reference               |
            | BEGIN    | VCARD      | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.1 |
            | END      | VCARD      | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.2 |
            | KIND     | individual | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.4 |
            | KIND     | group      | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.4 |
            | KIND     | org        | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.4 |
            | KIND     | location   | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.4 |

It should say:

   The following table is to be used to initialize the property values

            | Property | Value      | Reference               |
            | BEGIN    | VCARD      | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.1 |
            | END      | VCARD      | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.2 |
            | KIND     | individual | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.4 |
            | KIND     | group      | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.4 |
            | KIND     | org        | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.4 |
            | KIND     | location   | RFC 6350, Section 6.1.4 |
            | VERSION  | 4.0        | RFC 6350, Section 6.7.9 |


Here the registration of "4.0" value for VERSION is added, as it was discussed on WG mailing list. When the erratum is approved, I'll ask IANA to add an entry on the registry, correspondingly.

Errata ID: 3137
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Kai Giebeler
Date Reported: 2012-02-25
Verifier Name: Peter Saint-Andre
Date Verified: 2012-02-27

Section 5.4. says:

The ALTID property MAY also be used in may contexts other than with
   the LANGUAGE parameter.

It should say:

The ALTID property MAY also be used in many contexts other than with
   the LANGUAGE parameter.

Errata ID: 3368
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Stefan Ganzer
Date Reported: 2012-10-01
Verifier Name: Barry Leiba
Date Verified: 2012-10-01

Section 7.1.3 says:



It should say:

FN:J. Doe

FN:J. Doe


Section 6.2.1 states that "[t]he [FN] property MUST be present in the vCard object."

Errata ID: 3748
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Philipp Kewisch
Date Reported: 2013-10-10
Verifier Name: Barry Leiba
Date Verified: 2013-10-10

Section 10.3.3 says:

The following table has been used to initialize the parameters registry.

It should say:

The following table has been used to initialize the data types registry.


This is a copy/paste failure from the previous section.

Errata ID: 4246
Status: Verified
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Ivan Enderlin
Date Reported: 2015-01-28
Verifier Name: Barry Leiba
Date Verified: 2015-02-01

Section 6.2.5 says:


It should say:



A typo when declaring the third BDAY property example: It is a colon, not a semi-colon.

Status: Reported (6)

RFC 6350, "vCard Format Specification", August 2011

Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 6868, RFC 9554, RFC 9555

Source of RFC: vcarddav (app)

Errata ID: 4901
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Rick van Rein
Date Reported: 2017-01-10

Section 10.1 says:

   IANA has registered the following Media Type (in
   <http://www.iana.org/>) and marked the text/directory Media Type as


      In addition, the following media types are known to have been used
      to refer to vCard data.  They should be considered deprecated in
      favor of text/vcard.

      *  text/directory
      *  text/directory; profile=vcard
      *  text/x-vcard

It should say:

   IANA has registered the following Media Type (in


      In addition, the following media types are known to have been used
      to refer to vCard data.  They should be considered deprecated in
      favor of text/vcard.

      *  text/directory
      *  text/directory; profile=vcard
      *  text/x-vcard


The first section needs correction, I quoted the second without change because I believe it carries the true intention; this looks like a mix-up of language between author and IANA.

This is a specification of media type for the vCard data format. Once vCards were carried along with the text/directory media type, and that _use_ is to be deprecated, but not the _entire_ media type. This media type applies to a completely different topic, namely LDAP, and it can't be right that a (former) usage of this media type leads to its retraction.

I posted this with IANA too, correspondence with them should use [IANA #944546] in the subject header.

Errata ID: 6746
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: b4D8
Date Reported: 2021-11-19

Section 8 says:


It should say:



As specified in section 6.5.1.: "The default is a single text value. It can also be reset to a single URI or utc-offset value." Accordingly, the "utc-offset" value data-type should be explicitely set or the property value should be interpreted as text.

The section 6.5.1. further states that "utc-offset values SHOULD NOT be used" so probably using the timezone as an example is more consistent.

Errata ID: 6812
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Emily Love Mills (she/her)
Date Reported: 2022-01-06
Edited by: RFC Editor

Section 6.2.7 says:


     GENDER:;it's complicated

It should say:


     GENDER:M;Transgender Man


This errata replaces the imaginary gender identities with examples of actual diverse gender identities.

Errata ID: 6864
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: James Benner
Date Reported: 2022-02-27

Section 6.1.3 says:


It should say:



Section 3.4 states that all property values must have COMMA characters escaped with a BACKSLASH character. The SOURCE property value in the example contains a comma. Therefore it must be escaped with a backslash.

Errata ID: 7061
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Ken Murchison
Date Reported: 2022-07-29

Section 8 says:


It should say:



While the given TYPE parameters are grammatically correct, in their current form they don't portray what I believe to be the intent of the example. In their current form, both TYPE parameters have just a single value because of the quoting. Since TYPE can be multi-valued, I believe the intent of the example was for these parameters to have 3 and 5 values respectively which is accomplished by the corrected text.

Unfortunately, even though examples are only informative (the ABNF is always normative), the mistake in the example has led to implementations in the wild that perform the same quoting but also assume that the parameter should be treated as multi-valued.

Errata ID: 8092
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Gastón Mascareñas
Date Reported: 2024-09-03

Section 6.2 says:

(none - missing)

It should say:

(See notes)


This RFC does not provide guidance nor an example of how to specify names for the N and FN Identification Properties when these contain special characters, for example as in my name Gastón Mascareñas.

Status: Held for Document Update (10)

RFC 6350, "vCard Format Specification", August 2011

Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 6868, RFC 9554, RFC 9555

Source of RFC: vcarddav (app)

Errata ID: 3100
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Roberto Javier Godoy
Date Reported: 2012-01-30
Held for Document Update by: Peter Saint-Andre

Section 5.6 says:

type-param = "TYPE=" type-value *("," type-value)

It should say:

type-param =  "TYPE=" type-value *("," type-value)
type-param =/ "TYPE=" DQUOTE type-value *("," type-value) DQUOTE


Section 6.4.1 states that TYPE parameter values can be specified
as a parameter list (e.g., TYPE=text;TYPE=voice) or as a value list (e.g.,

Either the description is right (and the ABNF should be corrected), or the ABNF is right, and the description and examples in Sections 6.4.1 and 8 should be fixed.

Value lists in vCard 3.0 did not use quotes (e.g "TYPE=dom,postal" in Section 3.3.1 of RFC 2426). If the ABNF is fixed this would be a significant change from RFC 2426 syntax.

Errata ID: 3138
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Kai Giebeler
Date Reported: 2012-02-25
Held for Document Update by: Peter Saint-Andre

Section 3.3. says:


   SAFE-CHAR = WSP / "!" / %x23-39 / %x3C-7E / NON-ASCII
     ; Any character except CTLs, DQUOTE, ";", ":"

It should say:


   SAFE-CHAR = WSP / "!" / %x23-2B / %x2D-39 / %x3C-7E / NON-ASCII
     ; Any character except CTLs, DQUOTE, ",", ";", ":"


"5. Property Parameters" states: "Property parameter value elements that contain the COLON (U+003A), SEMICOLON (U+003B), or COMMA (U+002C) character separators MUST be specified as quoted-string text values."

So COMMA cannot be part of a non-quoted parameter value which should be reflected by the SAFE-CHAR declaration.

Otherwise a value of
could be ambiguously interpreted as
"tel","fax" (separated values)
and "tel,fax" (combined value containing a COMMA)

Errata ID: 3139
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Kai Giebeler
Date Reported: 2012-02-25
Held for Document Update by: Peter Saint-Andre

Section 3.3. et. al. says:

3.3. ABNF Format Definition
   any-param  = (iana-token / x-name) "=" param-value *("," param-value)

5.6. TYPE
   type-param = "TYPE=" type-value *("," type-value)

5.9. SORT-AS
   sort-as-value = param-value *("," param-value)

6.4.1. TEL

It should say:

The semantics of of lists passed to/by parameters should be consistent
or clearly stated.


(I'm unsure if this is a technical problem or simply needs to be clarified)

All of the following parameters seem to be allowed and seem to be (more or less) equivalent:

The main advantage of quoting strings gets lost, if contained characters get a special meaning (like a comma for separation).

In my opinion quoted values should be considered to be some kind of atomic. Without that rule there's no generic approach to interpret unknown parameter values. e.g.

If "voice,fax" may be decomposed to "voice", "fax" the example could be decomposed to:
- "doc1.txt?row=10"
- "col=6"
- "doc2.txt?row=3"
- "col=5"
... which is clearly not the authors intention. By recomposing it could end up as

Preserving unknown parameters in a read-modify-write-process is nearly impossible to implement.

Errata ID: 3488
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Michael Angstadt
Date Reported: 2013-02-18
Held for Document Update by: Barry Leiba
Date Held: 2013-02-19

Throughout the document, when it says:

See notes

It should say:

See notes


Verifier notes:
The report below is correct, and it's important that implementors understand that RFC 6350 has a number of errors here. The problem is that properly correcting the errors goes beyond the scope of the RFC errata system, and requires an updated document.

This errata report is, therefore, going to be marked "held for document update", but that designation should not be taken as downplaying the importance of this report and the errors it talks about. The verifier strongly encourages an effort to produce such an updated document soon. There will be significant interoperability problems if different implementations handle multi-valued parameters differently.

Multiple errata have been submitted that draw attention to an inconsistency in how multi-valued parameters are represented in the ABNF and how they are represented in various examples throughout the specification (errata IDs 3100, 3138, 3139).

It is the opinion of this author that it is the ABNF, not the examples, which should be declared correct, since the ABNF allows for comma characters to be included in parameter values.

To briefly review the issue, in the example below, the TYPE parameter only has one value according to the ABNF, since all of the parameter values are surrounded in double quotes. This is the way that many multi-valued parameters are represented in the specification.


According to the ABNF, the correct way to encode this list of values would be to either remove the double quotes, since none of the values contain special characters, or to enclose selected, individual values in double quotes. The properties below are all ABNF-valid:


The example in section 6.3.1 on page 34 is a good example of why the ABNF should be followed:

ADR;GEO="geo:12.3457,78.910";LABEL="Mr. John Q. Public, Esq.\n
Mail Drop: TNE QB\n123 Main Street\nAny Town, CA 91921-1234\n
U.S.A.":;;123 Main Street;Any Town;CA;91921-1234;U.S.A.

The GEO and LABEL parameters are enclosed in double quotes because their values contain special characters (colons and commas). If the ABNF is followed, then the parameters are correctly parsed as follows:

(1) geo:12.3457,78.910
(1) Mr. John Q. Public, Esq.\nMail Drop: TNE QB\n123 Main Street\nAny Town, CA 91921-1234\nU.S.A.

However, if these parameters were to be parsed according to the other method, then their values would be incorrectly split up, since they each contain a comma character.

(1) geo:12.345778.910
(2) 78.910
(1) Mr. John Q. Public, Esq.\nMail Drop: TNE QB\n123 Main Street\nAny Town
(2) CA 91921-1234\nU.S.A.

It is suggested that the following corrections be made to the specification:


1. Section 5.9, pages 21-22

FN:Rene van der Harten
N;SORT-AS="Harten,Rene":van der Harten;Rene,J.;Sir;R.D.O.N.
FN:Robert Pau Shou Chang
N;SORT-AS="Pau Shou Chang,Robert":Shou Chang;Robert,Pau;;
FN:Osamu Koura
FN:Oscar del Pozo
N;SORT-AS="Pozo,Oscar":del Pozo Triscon;Oscar;;
FN:Chistine d’Aboville
FN:H. James de Mann
N;SORT-AS="Mann,James":de Mann;Henry,James;;

should be

FN:Rene van der Harten
N;SORT-AS=Harten,Rene:van der Harten;Rene,J.;Sir;R.D.O.N.
FN:Robert Pau Shou Chang
N;SORT-AS=Pau Shou Chang,Robert:Shou Chang;Robert,Pau;;
FN:Osamu Koura
FN:Oscar del Pozo
N;SORT-AS=Pozo,Oscar:del Pozo Triscon;Oscar;;
FN:Chistine d’Aboville
FN:H. James de Mann
N;SORT-AS=Mann,James:de Mann;Henry,James;;


2. Section 6.4.1, page 35

The default type is "voice". These type parameter values can be
specified as a parameter list (e.g., TYPE=text;TYPE=voice) or as a
value list (e.g., TYPE="text,voice"). The default can be
overridden to another set of values by specifying one or more
alternate values. For example, the default TYPE of "voice" can be
reset to a VOICE and FAX telephone number by the value list

should be

The default type is "voice". These type parameter values can be
specified as a parameter list (e.g., TYPE=text;TYPE=voice) or as a
value list (e.g., TYPE=text,voice). The default can be
overridden to another set of values by specifying one or more
alternate values. For example, the default TYPE of "voice" can be
reset to a VOICE and FAX telephone number by the value list


3. Section 6.4.1, page 36


should be



4. Section 8, page 57


should be


Errata ID: 4261
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Ivan Enderlin
Date Reported: 2015-02-05
Held for Document Update by: Barry Leiba
Date Held: 2015-03-02

Section 4.3 says:

In RFC6351 (Appendice A), we have a Relax NG Schema defining date and
time format:

# 4.3.1
value-date = element date {
    xsd:string { pattern = "\d{8}|\d{4}-\d\d|--\d\d(\d\d)?|---\d\d" }

# 4.3.2
value-time = element time {
    xsd:string { pattern = "(\d\d(\d\d(\d\d)?)?|-\d\d(\d\d?)|--\d\d)"
                         ~ "(Z|[+\-]\d\d(\d\d)?)?" }

# 4.3.3
value-date-time = element date-time {
    xsd:string { pattern = "(\d{8}|--\d{4}|---\d\d)T\d\d(\d\d(\d\d)?)?"
                         ~ "(Z|[+\-]\d\d(\d\d)?)?" }

# 4.3.4
value-date-and-or-time = value-date | value-date-time | value-time

We assume this is the format from ISO.8601.2004 mentioned in RFC6350.
There is no link on ISO.8601.2004 because ISO documents are not free.
So this is our guess: These formats are very close based on different
examples in RFC6350 and RFC6351.

It should say:

See notes.


Question: --10 is October or 10 seconds?

--10 can fit into value-date and value-time:

* From value-date, the 3rd element in the disjunction is --\d\d(\d\d)?, so it matches --10,
* From value-time, the last element in the first disjunction is --\d\d, so it matches --10.

value-date-and-or-time matches value-date before value-time. Conclusion: --10 is always October and never 10 seconds. Is it a technical error in the RFC.

PS: This erratum can be applied on RFC6350 and RFC6351.
PPS: Consider the following erratum http://www.rfc-editor.org/errata_search.php?rfc=6351&eid=4247 on value-time also.

----- Verifier Notes -----
This errata report highlights a real problem that was not foreseen by the working group at the time when the RFC was published. Interoperability issues could result, so it's important to take note of this.

Fixing the problem will require revising the RFC, possibly in a non-backward-compatible manner. The fix is not trivial and discussion and a document update will be necessary.

Errata ID: 4213
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Eric Vought
Date Reported: 2014-12-28
Held for Document Update by: Barry Leiba
Date Held: 2015-01-02

Section 5.4 says:

"Two property instances are considered alternative representations of
the same logical property if and only if their names as well as the
value of their ALTID parameters are identical.  Property instances
without the ALTID parameter MUST NOT be considered an alternative
representation of any other property instance.  Values for the ALTID
parameter are not globally unique: they MAY be reused for different
property names."

It should say:

"Two property instances are considered alternative representations of
the same logical property if and only if their names as well as the
value of their ALTID parameters are identical.  Property instances
without the ALTID parameter MUST NOT be considered an alternative
representation of any other property instance.  Values for the ALTID
parameter are not globally unique: they MAY be reused for different
property names.

"Values for group and for the PREF parameter SHOULD be the same for all
alternative representations of the same property. The values of group
and PREF are not defined for a property if they differ among alternative
representations of the same logical property."


The corrected text "not defined" is intended as a literal statement of the consequences of the current specification and not a change to the meaning of the current specification. The submitter recommends that the text "Values for the group and for the PREF parameter MUST be the same..." be considered for future versions of this document.

It is also requested that the example below be added to the "legal but questionable" list in section 5.4.

Section 3.3 contains the text:

"The group construct is used to group related properties together.
The group name is a syntactic convention used to indicate that all
property names prefaced with the same group name SHOULD be grouped
together when displayed by an application."

There is no valid interpretation available for an application if a logical property has more than one group (see example below) and clearly no way to display such properties together, therefore the group construct has no defined meaning for such a case. This is particularly troublesome when converting to formats such as the VCard XML Schema where the group is represented as an XML schema in which properties are contained.

Also, Section 5.3 states in reference to the PREF parameter:

"Note that the value of this parameter is to be interpreted only in
relation to values assigned to other instances of the same property
in the same vCard. A given value, or the absence of a value, MUST
NOT be interpreted on its own."

The meaning of "instances of the same property" is not decipherable with respect to logical properties which differ in their PREF parameter value, therefore application behavior is also not defined for this case.


volunteer.ORG;ALTID=1;PREF=1;LANGUAGE=en:Doctors Without Borders
causes.ORG;ALTID=1;LANGUAGE=fr:Médecins Sans Frontières
volunteer.ORG:Community Emergency Response Team;Some County\, Some State
volunteer.ROLE:CERT Instructor
ORG;TYPE=WORK:Sometown Medical Center

The alternative representation of "Doctors Without Borders" is legal according to the current text but breaks the 'volunteer' grouping: the same logical property is requested by the VCard to appear in two places. Similarly, the PREF tag on "Doctors Without Borders" is legal but nonsensical. The logical application representation of the ORG properties with ALTID=1 as the same logical property breaks sort ordering or selection by PREF. Similarly, application representation of PREF as a priority queue of properties breaks for this case. The application is forced to drop consideration of PREF and group in these cases and should be explicitly allowed to do so (even though it may support PREF and grouping in the general case).


Verifier notes:

This is a complicated issue that needs discussion and that goes well beyond what errata can cover. I'm marking this as "held for document update" to leave the introduction to the issue here, because the confusion about how to interoperate here is real. But readers need to follow any subsequent discussion on the vcarddav mailing list.

Errata ID: 4245
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Ivan Enderlin
Date Reported: 2015-01-27
Held for Document Update by: Barry Leiba
Date Held: 2015-03-02

Section 6.7.7 says:

   Value type:  A semicolon-separated pair of values.  The first field
      is a small integer corresponding to the second field of a PID
      parameter instance.  The second field is a URI.  The "uuid" URN
      namespace defined in [RFC4122] is particularly well suited to this
      task, but other URI schemes MAY be used.

It should say:

   Value type:  A single structured text value consisting of components
      separated by the SEMICOLON character (U+003B). The first
      component is a small integer corresponding to the second
      component of a PID parameter instance.  The second component is a
      URI. The "uuid" URN namespace defined in [RFC4122] is particularly
      well suited to this task, but other URI schemes MAY be used.


A “semicolon-separated pair of values” is a structured text value. Moreover, the RFC6351 considers the CLIENTPIDMAP property with a structured text value (see the Relax NG Schema definition of property-clientpidmap).

----- Verifier Notes -----
The original text would not cause any real confusion or interoperability issues, so this is held for document update. That said, the corrected text is more accurate and better represents the working group's consensus at the time the RFC was published.

Errata ID: 3005
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: David Keegel
Date Reported: 2011-10-25
Held for Document Update by: Peter Saint-Andre

Section 6.5.1 says:


            TZ:Raleigh/North America

It should say:




The example given is not valid for the Olson/TZ database; it includes a space, it has the specific location (city) before the continent, neither city nor continent names are present for the current TZ database, and there isnt a separate time zone for Raleigh, NC (since Raleigh's clocks have always matched New York's since 1970, Raleigh uses America/New_York as its time zone name in the Olson database).

Errata ID: 3062
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Peter K. Sheerin
Date Reported: 2011-12-25
Held for Document Update by: Pete Resnick
Date Held: 2011-12-29

Section 6.4.2 says:

   Special notes:  The property can include tye "PREF" parameter to
      indicate a preferred-use email address when more than one is

It should say:

   Special notes:  The property can include the "PREF" parameter to
      indicate a preferred-use email address when more than one is


Simple misspelling of "the"

Errata ID: 7895
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Ken Murchison
Date Reported: 2024-04-16
Held for Document Update by: RFC Editor
Date Held: 2024-04-17

Section A.4 says:


It should say:

A.4.  Updated Property Value Data Types

   o  The syntax of the UTC-OFFSET property value type has changed from:
          "+" / "-" hour ":" minute
          "+" / "-" hour [minute]

   o  The default value type for the UID property has changed from TEXT to URI.

   o  The default value type for the PHOTO, LOGO, SOUND, and KEY properties
      has changed from BINARY to URI.

   o  The default value type for the TZ property has changed from UTC-OFFSET to TEXT.

   o  The value type for the GEO property has changed from a structured value
      of the form:
          float ";" float
      to a URI.


Several property value data types were changed between RFCs 2425/2426 and 6350.
Assuming that these changes were intentional, they were never spelled out in an appendix as was done for the new and removed elements.

I've listed the changes that I discovered here to inform a future document update.

Status: Rejected (2)

RFC 6350, "vCard Format Specification", August 2011

Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 6868, RFC 9554, RFC 9555

Source of RFC: vcarddav (app)

Errata ID: 3199
Status: Rejected
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Larry Masinter
Date Reported: 2012-04-23
Rejected by: Barry Leiba
Date Rejected: 2012-05-02

Section 3.1 and 10.1 says:

In Section 3.1:

  It is invalid to specify a value other than "UTF-8" in the
   "charset" MIME parameter (see Section 10.1).

In Section 10.1:

      "charset": as defined for text/plain [RFC2046]; encodings other
      than UTF-8 [RFC3629] MUST NOT be used.

It should say:

(none, delete both sentences)


There is no "charset" parameter for text/vcard. Perhaps there used to be one, but it isn't listed and would serve no purpose if it did. Since there is no parameter, advice about its value is inappropriate.

Errata ID: 7856
Status: Rejected
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Ryan Castellucci
Date Reported: 2024-03-18
Rejected by: Orie Steele
Date Rejected: 2024-05-10

Section 6.2.7 says:

   Special notes:  The components correspond, in sequence, to the sex
      (biological), and gender identity.  Each component is optional.

It should say:

   Special notes:  The components correspond, in sequence, to the sex
      and gender identity.  Each component is optional.


The term "biological" in regards to sex does not have a widely agreed upon meaning, and is primarily used to discriminate against transgender people.

Including the "biological" qualifier serves no purpose.
Rejected per: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/statement-iesg-iesg-processing-of-rfc-errata-for-the-ietf-stream-20210507/

Note this topic has been better addressed in recent revisions:


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