RFC Errata
RFC 9656, "A YANG Data Model for Microwave Topology", September 2024
Source of RFC: ccamp (rtg)
Errata ID: 8128
Status: Rejected
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT, PDF, HTML
Reported By: Mohamed BOUCADAIR
Date Reported: 2024-10-01
Rejected by: John Scudder
Date Rejected: 2024-10-09
Section A.1. says:
"network-id": "L2-network",
It should say:
"network-id": "example:L2-network",
(1) The use of strings here is not consistent with RFC8345 which says the following
* "The current data model defines identifiers of nodes, networks, links,
and termination points as URIs. Alternatively, they could have been
defined as strings.
The case for strings is that they will be easier to implement. The
reason for choosing URIs is that the topology / node / termination
point exists in a larger context; hence, it is useful to be able to
correlate identifiers across systems. Although strings -- being the
universal data type -- are easier for human beings, they also muddle
things. What typically happens is that strings have some structure
that is magically assigned, and the knowledge of this structure has
to be communicated to each system working with the data. A URI makes
the structure explicit and also attaches additional semantics: the
URI, unlike a free-form string, can be fed into a URI resolver, which
can point to additional resources associated with the URI. This
property is important when the topology data is integrated into a
larger and more complex system."
typedef network-id {
type inet:uri;
"Identifier for a network. The precise structure of the
network-id will be up to the implementation. The identifier
SHOULD be chosen such that the same network will always be
identified through the same identifier, even if the data model
is instantiated in separate datastores. An implementation MAY
choose to capture semantics in the identifier -- for example,
to indicate the type of network.";
(2) Overall, almost all the examples that include the following should be fixed:
* nw:node-id
* nw:network-id
* nt:link-id
* nt:tp-id
* tet:node-ref
The issue identified is correct, but following discussion of this erratum (see https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/ccamp/OQ-oLx2smsmdC4dcn6aB9i-hWE8/), four other errata reports were opened instead, one per affected subsection. Errata 8131-8134 have been verified and address the issue identified here.