RFC Errata
RFC 8708, "Use of the HSS/LMS Hash-Based Signature Algorithm in the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)", February 2020
Source of RFC: lamps (sec)See Also: RFC 8708 w/ inline errata
Errata ID: 7963
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT, PDF, HTML
Reported By: Russ Housley
Date Reported: 2024-05-29
Verifier Name: Deb Cooley
Date Verified: 2024-05-30
Section 4 says:
pk-HSS-LMS-HashSig PUBLIC-KEY ::= { IDENTIFIER id-alg-hss-lms-hashsig KEY HSS-LMS-HashSig-PublicKey PARAMS ARE absent CERT-KEY-USAGE { digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyCertSign, cRLSign } } HSS-LMS-HashSig-PublicKey ::= OCTET STRING Note that the id-alg-hss-lms-hashsig algorithm identifier is also referred to as id-alg-mts-hashsig. This synonym is based on the terminology used in an early draft version of the document that became [HASHSIG]. The public key value is an OCTET STRING. Like the signature format, it is designed for easy parsing. The value is the number of levels in the public key, L, followed by the LMS public key.
It should say:
pk-HSS-LMS-HashSig PUBLIC-KEY ::= { IDENTIFIER id-alg-hss-lms-hashsig -- KEY no ASN.1 wrapping -- PARAMS ARE absent CERT-KEY-USAGE { digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyCertSign, cRLSign } } HSS-LMS-HashSig-PublicKey ::= OCTET STRING Note that the id-alg-hss-lms-hashsig algorithm identifier is also referred to as id-alg-mts-hashsig. This synonym is based on the terminology used in an early draft version of the document that became [HASHSIG]. When the public key appears outside a certificate, it is an OCTET STRING. Like the signature format, it is designed for easy parsing. The value is the number of levels in the public key, L, followed by the LMS public key.
At the time RFC 8708 was published, we did not think anyone would put an HSS/LMS public key in a certificate. We thought the public key would always be distributed by some other means. We now know that some people plan to put an HSS/LMS public key in a certificate. This part of the ASN.1 module does not come into play when using HSS/LMS in the CMS, but we want it to be consistent with the yet-to-be-published document that describes the conventions for an HSS/LMS public key in a certificate. IETF Hackathon experience shows that no ASN.1 wrapping for the public key is the way forward.