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RFC 9051, "Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) - Version 4rev2", August 2021

Source of RFC: extra (art)

Errata ID: 6826
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT, PDF, HTML

Reported By: Hontvári Levente
Date Reported: 2022-02-02
Held for Document Update by: Murray Kucherawy
Date Held: 2023-07-28

Throughout the document, when it says:

   18.  RFC822, RFC822.HEADER, and RFC822.TEXT FETCH data items were
        deprecated.  Clients should use the corresponding BODY[]
        variants instead.

It should say:

   18.  RFC822, RFC822.HEADER, and RFC822.TEXT FETCH data items were
        removed. Clients should use the corresponding BODY[]
        variants instead.


Contrary to the original text, these data items are not deprecated but they were completely removed from the text of the RFC. As far as I see other deprecated items are not removed completely but moved to a '...obsolete...' token in the formal syntax.

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