RFC Errata
RFC 1001, "Protocol standard for a NetBIOS service on a TCP/UDP transport: Concepts and methods", March 1987
Source of RFC: Legacy
Errata ID: 679
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Anvish
Date Reported: 2002-02-25
Held for Document Update by: ron bonica
I found something strange in rfc1001 Maybe my code is wrong, but it returns "Tge NetBIOS tame" instead of "The NetBIOS name" when I try to encode FEGHGFCAEOGFHEECEJEPFDCAHEGBGNGF "For example, the NetBIOS name "The NetBIOS name" in the NetBIOS scope "SCOPE.ID.COM" would be represented at level one by the ASCII character string: FEGHGFCAEOGFHEECEJEPFDCAHEGBGNGF.SCOPE.ID.COM"
It should say:
[not submitted]
from pending