RFC Errata
RFC 7483, "JSON Responses for the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)", March 2015
Note: This RFC has been obsoleted by RFC 9083
Source of RFC: weirds (app)
Errata ID: 5666
Status: Reported
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: Andrew Newton
Date Reported: 2019-03-22
Section 3 says:
handle: DNRs and RIRs have registry-unique identifiers that may be used to specifically reference an object instance. The semantics of this data type as found in this document are to be a registry-unique reference to the closest enclosing object where the value is found. The data type names "registryId", "roid", "nic-handle", "registrationNo", etc., are terms often synonymous with this data type. In this document, the term "handle" is used. The term exposed to users by clients is a presentation issue beyond the scope of this document.
It should say:
handle: DNRs and RIRs have registry-unique identifiers that may be used to specifically reference an object instance. The semantics of this data type as found in this document are to be a registry-unique reference to the closest enclosing object where the value is found. The data type names "registryId", "roid", "nic-handle", "registrationNo", etc., are terms often synonymous with this data type. In this document, the term "handle" is used. The term exposed to users by clients is a presentation issue beyond the scope of this document. This value is a simple string.
All uses of handle in section 5 call "handle" out as being a string, but if a reader were to only read section 3 they would not know it.