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RFC 6545, "Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID)", April 2012

Source of RFC: mile (sec)

Errata ID: 5588
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Logan Widick
Date Reported: 2018-12-28
Held for Document Update by: Benjamin Kaduk
Date Held: 2019-01-28

Section 5.1 says:

Page 18 says:


      One or many.  REQUIRED.  The values for the attribute "region" are
      used to determine what policy area may require consideration
      before a trace can be approved.  The PolicyRegion may include
      multiple selections from the attribute list in order to fit all
      possible policy considerations when crossing regions, consortiums,
      or networks.


      One or many.  REQUIRED.  ENUM.  The attribute region is used to
      identify the expected sharing range of the incident information.
      The region may be within a region or defined by existing
      relationships such as those of a consortium or a client to a
      service provider.

It should say:

Page 18 should say:


      One or many.  REQUIRED.  The values for the attribute "region" are
      used to determine what policy area may require consideration
      before a trace can be approved.  The PolicyRegion may include
      multiple selections from the attribute list in order to fit all
      possible policy considerations when crossing regions, consortiums,
      or networks.


      One.  REQUIRED.  ENUM.  The attribute region is used to
      identify the expected sharing range of the incident information.
      The region may be within a region or defined by existing
      relationships such as those of a consortium or a client to a
      service provider.


The text as written (with "One or many" instances of the "region" attribute) suggests that
<PolicyRegion region="ClientToSP" region="SPToClient"/>
would be legal.

However, the schema (Section 8) and the fact that a single XML tag can't contain more than one instance of a given attribute (see https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#uniqattspec, "An attribute name MUST NOT appear more than once in the same start-tag or empty-element tag") indicate that the above example of a PolicyRegion is not legal, and would need to be replaced with:
<PolicyRegion region="ClientToSP"/>
<PolicyRegion region="SPToClient"/>

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