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RFC 8427, "Representing DNS Messages in JSON", July 2018

Area Assignment: art

Errata ID: 5438
Status: Rejected
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Richard Gibson
Date Reported: 2018-07-24
Rejected by: Barry Leiba
Date Rejected: 2020-11-25

Section 2.3 says:

   o  rdataCNAME - A domain name

   o  rdataDNAME - A domain name

   o  rdataNS - A domain name

   o  rdataPTR - A domain name

   o  rdataTXT - A text value

   In addition, each of the following members has a value that is a
   space-separated string that matches the display format definition in
   the RFC that defines that RDATA type.  It is not expected that every
   receiving application will know how to parse these values.

   rdataCDNSKEY, rdataCDS, rdataCSYNC, rdataDNSKEY, rdataHIP,
   rdataIPSECKEY, rdataKEY, rdataMX, rdataNSEC, rdataNSEC3,
   rdataNSEC3PARAM, rdataOPENPGPKEY, rdataRRSIG, rdataSMIMEA, rdataSPF,
   rdataSRV, rdataSSHFP, rdataTLSA

It should say:

   o  rdataCNAME - A domain name

   o  rdataDNAME - A domain name

   o  rdataNS - A domain name

   o  rdataPTR - A domain name

   In addition, each of the following members has a value that is a
   space-separated string that matches the presentation format
   definition in the RFC that defines that RDATA type.  It is not
   expected that every receiving application will know how to parse
   these values.

   rdataCDNSKEY, rdataCDS, rdataCSYNC, rdataDNSKEY, rdataHIP,
   rdataIPSECKEY, rdataKEY, rdataMX, rdataNSEC, rdataNSEC3,
   rdataNSEC3PARAM, rdataOPENPGPKEY, rdataRRSIG, rdataSMIMEA, rdataSPF,
   rdataSRV, rdataSSHFP, rdataTLSA, rdataTXT


"A text value" is insufficiently clear to describe the contents of a TXT record, which consists of "One or more <character-string>s". However, the immediately following description relying upon "display format" (corrected to "presentation format" per RFC 4034 and draft-ietf-dnsop-terminology-bis) _does_ cover it, so rdataTXT should move into the undifferentiated list.
This is a request for a technical change, and is outside the scope of errata reports.

The change from "matches the display format" to "matches the presentation format" is a reasonable change in an errata report.

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