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RFC 4301, "Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol", December 2005

Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 6040, RFC 7619

Source of RFC: ipsec (sec)

Errata ID: 4709
Status: Rejected
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Phillip H. Griffin
Date Reported: 2016-06-14
Date Rejected: 2023-08-02

Section Appendix C says:

In the ASN.1 module for this RFC, the following errors prevented syntax 
checking and compilation for programming language code generation:


2. Changed "SPD = SEQUENCE OF SPDEntry" to 
           "SPD ::= SEQUENCE OF SPDEntry"

3. Changed 
   "parameters  ANY -- DEFINED BY algorithm } -- defined outside" to
   "parameters  ANY } -- defined outside"

4. Changed "SPDEntry = CHOICE" to "SPDEntry := CHOICE"

5. Changed "IPsecEntry = SEQUENCE" to "IPsecEntry ::= SEQUENCE"

6. Changed "BypassOrDiscardEntry = SEQUENCE" to 
           "BypassOrDiscardEntry ::= SEQUENCE"

7. Changed "InOutBound = CHOICE" to "InOutBound ::= CHOICE"

8. Changed "iso(1) org (3) dod (6)" to 
           "iso(1) identified-organization (3) dod (6)"

A correct ASN.1 module follows in the "Corrected Text" field. 

It should say:

SPDModule { 
   iso(1) identified-organization (3) dod (6) internet (1) security (5) 
      mechanisms (5) ipsec (8) asn1-modules (3) spd-module (1) 

      RDNSequence FROM PKIX1Explicit88 { 
         iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) 
            security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0) 
               id-pkix1-explicit(18) };

-- An SPD is a list of policies in decreasing order of preference


SPDEntry ::= CHOICE {
           iPsecEntry       IPsecEntry,               -- PROTECT traffic
           bypassOrDiscard  [0] BypassOrDiscardEntry } -- DISCARDBYPASS

       IPsecEntry ::= SEQUENCE {       -- Each entry consists of
           name        NameSets OPTIONAL,
           pFPs        PacketFlags,    -- Populate from packet flags
                              -- Applies to ALL of the corresponding
                              -- traffic selectors in the SelectorLists
           condition   SelectorLists,  -- Policy condition
           processing  Processing      -- Policy action

BypassOrDiscardEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
   bypass      BOOLEAN,        -- TRUE BYPASS, FALSE DISCARD
   condition   InOutBound }

InOutBound ::= CHOICE {
           outbound    [0] SelectorLists,
           inbound     [1] SelectorLists,
           bothways    [2] BothWays }

       BothWays ::= SEQUENCE {
           inbound     SelectorLists,
           outbound    SelectorLists }

       NameSets ::= SEQUENCE {
           passed      SET OF Names-R,  -- Matched to IKE ID by
                                        -- responder
           local       SET OF Names-I } -- Used internally by IKE
                                        -- initiator

       Names-R ::= CHOICE {                   -- IKEv2 IDs
           dName       RDNSequence,           -- ID_DER_ASN1_DN
           fqdn        FQDN,                  -- ID_FQDN
           rfc822      [0] RFC822Name,        -- ID_RFC822_ADDR
           keyID       OCTET STRING }         -- KEY_ID

       Names-I ::= OCTET STRING       -- Used internally by IKE
                                      -- initiator

       FQDN ::= IA5String

       RFC822Name ::= IA5String

       PacketFlags ::= BIT STRING {
                   -- if set, take selector value from packet
                   -- establishing SA
                   -- else use value in SPD entry
           localAddr  (0),
           remoteAddr (1),
           protocol   (2),
           localPort  (3),
           remotePort (4)  }

       SelectorLists ::= SET OF SelectorList

       SelectorList ::= SEQUENCE {
           localAddr   AddrList,
           remoteAddr  AddrList,
           protocol    ProtocolChoice }

       Processing ::= SEQUENCE {
           extSeqNum   BOOLEAN, -- TRUE 64 bit counter, FALSE 32 bit
           seqOverflow BOOLEAN, -- TRUE rekey, FALSE terminate & audit
           fragCheck   BOOLEAN, -- TRUE stateful fragment checking,
                                -- FALSE no stateful fragment checking
           lifetime    SALifetime,
           spi         ManualSPI,
           algorithms  ProcessingAlgs,
           tunnel      TunnelOptions OPTIONAL } -- if absent, use
                                                -- transport mode

       SALifetime ::= SEQUENCE {
           seconds   [0] INTEGER OPTIONAL,
           bytes     [1] INTEGER OPTIONAL }

       ManualSPI ::= SEQUENCE {
           spi     INTEGER,
           keys    KeyIDs }


       ProcessingAlgs ::= CHOICE {
           ah          [0] IntegrityAlgs,  -- AH
           esp         [1] ESPAlgs}        -- ESP

       ESPAlgs ::= CHOICE {
           integrity       [0] IntegrityAlgs,       -- integrity only
           confidentiality [1] ConfidentialityAlgs, -- confidentiality
                                                    -- only
           both            [2] IntegrityConfidentialityAlgs,
           combined        [3] CombinedModeAlgs }

       IntegrityConfidentialityAlgs ::= SEQUENCE {
           integrity       IntegrityAlgs,
           confidentiality ConfidentialityAlgs }

       -- Integrity Algorithms, ordered by decreasing preference

       IntegrityAlgs ::= SEQUENCE OF IntegrityAlg

       -- Confidentiality Algorithms, ordered by decreasing preference

       ConfidentialityAlgs ::= SEQUENCE OF ConfidentialityAlg

       -- Integrity Algorithms

       IntegrityAlg ::= SEQUENCE {
           algorithm   IntegrityAlgType,
           parameters  ANY -- DEFINED BY algorithm -- OPTIONAL }

       IntegrityAlgType ::= INTEGER {
           none              (0),
           auth-HMAC-MD5-96  (1),
           auth-HMAC-SHA1-96 (2),
           auth-DES-MAC      (3),
           auth-KPDK-MD5     (4),
           auth-AES-XCBC-96  (5)
       --  tbd (6..65535)

       -- Confidentiality Algorithms

       ConfidentialityAlg ::= SEQUENCE {
           algorithm   ConfidentialityAlgType,
           parameters  ANY -- DEFINED BY algorithm -- OPTIONAL }

       ConfidentialityAlgType ::= INTEGER {
           encr-DES-IV64   (1),
           encr-DES        (2),
           encr-3DES       (3),
           encr-RC5        (4),
           encr-IDEA       (5),
           encr-CAST       (6),
           encr-BLOWFISH   (7),
           encr-3IDEA      (8),
           encr-DES-IV32   (9),
           encr-RC4       (10),
           encr-NULL      (11),
           encr-AES-CBC   (12),
           encr-AES-CTR   (13)
       --  tbd (14..65535)

       CombinedModeAlgs ::= SEQUENCE OF CombinedModeAlg

       CombinedModeAlg ::= SEQUENCE {
           algorithm   CombinedModeType,
           parameters  ANY } -- defined outside

                                    -- of this document for AES modes.
       CombinedModeType ::= INTEGER {
           comb-AES-CCM    (1),
           comb-AES-GCM    (2)
       --  tbd (3..65535)

       TunnelOptions ::= SEQUENCE {
           dscp        DSCP,
           ecn         BOOLEAN,    -- TRUE Copy CE to inner header
           df          DF,
           addresses   TunnelAddresses }

       TunnelAddresses ::= CHOICE {
           ipv4        IPv4Pair,
           ipv6        [0] IPv6Pair }

       IPv4Pair ::= SEQUENCE {
           local       OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)),
           remote      OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) }

       IPv6Pair ::= SEQUENCE {
           local       OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)),
           remote      OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)) }

       DSCP ::= SEQUENCE {
           copy      BOOLEAN, -- TRUE copy from inner header
                              -- FALSE do not copy
           mapping   OCTET STRING OPTIONAL} -- points to table
                                            -- if no copy
       DF ::= INTEGER {
           clear   (0),
           set     (1),
           copy    (2) }

       ProtocolChoice::= CHOICE {
           anyProt  AnyProtocol,              -- for ANY protocol
           noNext   [0] NoNextLayerProtocol,  -- has no next layer
                                              -- items
           oneNext  [1] OneNextLayerProtocol, -- has one next layer
                                              -- item
           twoNext  [2] TwoNextLayerProtocol, -- has two next layer
                                              -- items
           fragment FragmentNoNext }          -- has no next layer
                                              -- info

       AnyProtocol ::= SEQUENCE {
           id          INTEGER (0),    -- ANY protocol
           nextLayer   AnyNextLayers }

       AnyNextLayers ::= SEQUENCE {      -- with either
           first       AnyNextLayer,     -- ANY next layer selector
           second      AnyNextLayer }    -- ANY next layer selector

       NoNextLayerProtocol ::= INTEGER (2..254)

       FragmentNoNext ::= INTEGER (44)   -- Fragment identifier

       OneNextLayerProtocol ::= SEQUENCE {
           id          INTEGER (1..254),   -- ICMP, MH, ICMPv6
           nextLayer   NextLayerChoice }   -- ICMP Type*256+Code
                                           -- MH   Type*256

       TwoNextLayerProtocol ::= SEQUENCE {
           id          INTEGER (2..254),   -- Protocol
           local       NextLayerChoice,    -- Local and
           remote      NextLayerChoice }   -- Remote ports

       NextLayerChoice ::= CHOICE {
           any         AnyNextLayer,
           opaque      [0] OpaqueNextLayer,
           range       [1] NextLayerRange }

       -- Representation of ANY in next layer field

       AnyNextLayer ::= SEQUENCE {
           start       INTEGER (0),
           end         INTEGER (65535) }

       -- Representation of OPAQUE in next layer field.
       -- Matches IKE convention

       OpaqueNextLayer ::= SEQUENCE {
           start       INTEGER (65535),
           end         INTEGER (0) }

-- Range for a next layer field

NextLayerRange ::= SEQUENCE {
   start  INTEGER (0..65535),
   end    INTEGER (0..65535) 

-- List of IP addresses

AddrList ::= SEQUENCE {
   v4List  IPv4List OPTIONAL,
   v6List  [0] IPv6List OPTIONAL

-- IPv4 address representations

IPv4List ::= SEQUENCE OF IPv4Range

IPv4Range ::= SEQUENCE {    -- close, but not quite right ...
   ipv4Start  OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)),
   ipv4End    OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)) 

-- IPv6 address representations

IPv6List ::= SEQUENCE OF IPv6Range

IPv6Range ::= SEQUENCE {    -- close, but not quite right ...
   ipv6Start  OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)),
   ipv6End    OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) 



Note that I included an ASN.1 module stub to resolve an imported value in the module.

PKIX1Explicit88 {
iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5)
mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0) id-pkix1-explicit(18)

RDNSequence ::= SEQUENCE {}

END -- PKIX1Explicit88 --
This is for RFC4301 and tries to fix the ASN.1 in Appendix C.
The proposed changes uses lines which are not part of the
RFC4301, i.e., the "=" -> "::=" that are listed as needed to
be done, are already "::=" in the RFC4301.

The only other proposed changes are to remove
"-- DEFINED BY algorithm" from one location, but it
leaves it in in few other places. It also proposes to change
iso(1) org (3) dod (6)" to "iso(1) identified-organization (3)
dod (6) which might be correct, but is not needed.

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