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RFC 5760, "RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extensions for Single-Source Multicast Sessions with Unicast Feedback", February 2010

Note: This RFC has been updated by RFC 6128

Source of RFC: avt (rai)

Errata ID: 2117
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Alfred Hoenes
Date Reported: 2010-04-05
Held for Document Update by: Robert Sparks

Section B.4, pg.65 says:

      The packet fields will contain the values:

|     Header Distribution Block
|     Distribution Type:                        1
      Number of Data Buckets:                   40
      Multiplicative Factor:                    0
      Packet Length field:                      18 (18 * 4 => 72 bytes)
|     Minimum Loss Value:                       0
|     Maximum Loss Value:                       39

|     Bucket values are the same as the initial data set.

|     Result
|     Selecting one of the three methods outlined above might be done by
      a congestion parameter or by user preference.  The overhead
      associated with processing the packets is likely to differ very
      little between the techniques.  The savings in bandwidth are
|     apparent, however, using 20, 52, and 72 octets respectively.
      These values would vary more widely for a larger data set with
      less correlation between results.

It should say:

      The packet fields will contain the values:

|     RSI report fixed header;
|     -- Sub-report Block --
|     Sub-Report Block Type:                    4 (Loss distribution)
      Number of Data Buckets:                   40
      Multiplicative Factor:                    0
      Packet Length field:                      18 (18 * 4 => 72 bytes)
|     Minimum Distribution Value:               0
|     Maximum Distribution Value:               39

|     Bucket values are the same as the initial data set, represented
|     in 12 bits each.

|  Result
|     Selecting one of the two methods outlined above might be done by
      a congestion parameter or by user preference.  The overhead
      associated with processing the packets is likely to differ very
      little between the techniques.  The savings in bandwidth are
|     apparent, however, using 20 and 72 octets respectively.
      These values would vary more widely for a larger data set with
      less correlation between results.


Rationale: See preceding reort, eid=2115 !
Also, there are only two examples le ft in the published appendix.

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