AUTH48 status of draft-ietf-payload-vp9-16 (RFC-to-be 9628)

This document is in AUTH48 state as of 2024-08-12. It has not yet been published as an RFC. The RFC Editor is awaiting approvals from the author(s) as shown below (and anyone else listed) before continuing the publication process.

Name Approved? Date of Approval
J. Uberti N  
S. Holmer N  
M. Flodman N  
D. Hong N  
J. Lennox N  
AD - M. Kurcheraway N  

** This document is part of Cluster C324, so may have additional holds before publication.


2024-08-12: document questions and cluster-wide questions sent to author (1 AD query sent). IANA will need to make updates to match the document prior to publication. 2024-08027: most queries resolved (7, 10, 11 require further author input). AD guidance requested for questions 6, 10, 19, and 21F.

Instructions to author(s):

Please see the AUTH48 notification email from the RFC Editor that contains a link to the edited document and other information. To send your approval or changes, please Reply All to that message.

When all approvals have been received, publication is imminent. Upon publication as an RFC, this AUTH48 status page will no longer be available.

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