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RFC 8554, "Leighton-Micali Hash-Based Signatures", April 2019

Source of RFC: IRTF

Errata ID: 7409
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Peter Campbell
Date Reported: 2023-03-29

Section Section 6.4, Table 3 says:

   | ParmSet | KeyGenTime | SigSize | KeyLifetime | 

   | 15/10   | 6 sec      | 3172    | 9 hours     | 
   |         |            |         |             | 
   | 15/15   | 6 sec      | 3332    | 12 days     | 
   |         |            |         |             | 
   | 20/10   | 3 min      | 3332    | 12 days     | 
   |         |            |         |             | 
   | 20/15   | 3 min      | 3492    | 1 year      | 
   |         |            |         |             | 
   | 25/10   | 1.5 hour   | 3492    | 1 year      | 
   |         |            |         |             | 
   | 25/15   | 1.5 hour   | 3652    | 34 years    | 

It should say:

   | ParmSet | KeyGenTime | SigSize | KeyLifetime | 

   | 15/10   | 6 sec      | 3124    | 9 hours     | 
   |         |            |         |             | 
   | 15/15   | 6 sec      | 3284    | 12 days     | 
   |         |            |         |             | 
   | 20/10   | 3 min      | 3284    | 12 days     | 
   |         |            |         |             | 
   | 20/15   | 3 min      | 3444    | 1 year      | 
   |         |            |         |             | 
   | 25/10   | 1.5 hour   | 3444    | 1 year      | 
   |         |            |         |             | 
   | 25/15   | 1.5 hour   | 3604    | 34 years    | 


The signature sizes for the two-level HSS parameters in Table 3 are all 48 bytes larger than they should be. It looks like they were computed assuming a 64-byte identifier I in the level-1 LMS public key pub[1], but the identifier was reduced to 16 bytes in draft -07. The signature sizes for the single-level HSS parameters are all correct because they do not have intermediate LMS public keys.

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