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RFC 1925, "The Twelve Networking Truths", April 1996


Errata ID: 4939
Status: Rejected
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: T Rogers
Date Reported: 2017-02-17
Rejected by: John Scudder
Date Rejected: 2024-02-11

Section 2 says:

No matter how hard you push and no matter what the priority,
        you can't increase the speed of light.

It should say:

No matter how hard you push and no matter what the priority, 
you can't increase the speed of light. You can, however, 
slow it down.


Light travels more slowly through media such as glass, and the speed depends on frequency - this is how refraction works.
The erratum would have been correct if the original text had said “speed of light in vacuum“, or its synonym, “c”. But it didn’t, so as far as I can see it’s correct, and consistent with the observations made in the notes that were submitted.

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