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RFC 7644, "System for Cross-domain Identity Management: Protocol", September 2015

Source of RFC: scim (sec)

Errata ID: 4670
Status: Reported
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Vassilis Michalitsis
Date Reported: 2016-04-15

Section says:

Filters MUST be evaluated using the following order of operations, in
   order of precedence:

   1.  Grouping operators

   2.  Logical operators - where "not" takes precedence over "and",
       which takes precedence over "or"

   3.  Attribute operators

It should say:

Filters MUST be evaluated using the following order of operations, in
   order of precedence:

   1.  Grouping operators

   2.  Attribute operators

   3.  Logical operators - where "not" takes precedence over "and",
       which takes precedence over "or"


It seems that the precedence of logical and attribute precedence is reversed? The filter filter=title sw "M" and userType eq "Employee" is meant to be interpreted as filter=(title sw "M") and (userType eq "Employee").
This is also the "expected" behaviour consistent with most other languages - with the notable exception of unary "or" which in SCIM is disambiguated as it can only apply to a parenthesized filter expression.

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