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RFC 2626, "The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)", June 1999

Source of RFC: 2000 (ops)

Errata ID: 2755
Status: Held for Document Update
Type: Editorial
Publication Format(s) : TEXT

Reported By: Mykyta Yevstifeyev
Date Reported: 2011-03-25
Held for Document Update by: Ron Bonica

Section 12.1; 12.2 says:

{1 - Section 12.1}

12.1 Summary

   The RFC's which were categorized into this group were the Internet
   Protocol (IP) versions four and six, the Transmission Control
   Protocol (TCP), the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), the Point-to-Point
   Protocol (PPP) and its extensions, Internet Control Message Protocol
   (ICMP), the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) and Remote Procedure
   Call (RPC) protocol.  A variety of less known protocols were also

   After careful review of the nearly 400 RFC's in this catagory, no
   millennium or year 2000 problems were found.

{2 - Section 12.2}


   RFC 2097 on the PPP NetBIOS Frame Control Protocol discuesses several
   timer and timeouts in Section 2.1, none of which suffers from a year
   2000 problem.


   RFC 791 on the Internet Protocol defines a packet type 68 which is an
   Internet Timestamp, which defines a 32-bit field which contains the
   number of milliseconds since midnght UT.

It should say:

{1 - Section 12.1}

12.1 Summary

   The RFC's which were categorized into this group were the Internet
   Protocol (IP) versions four and six, the Transmission Control
   Protocol (TCP), the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), the Point-to-Point
   Protocol (PPP) and its extensions, Internet Control Message Protocol
   (ICMP), the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) and Remote Procedure
   Call (RPC) protocol.  A variety of less known protocols were also

   After careful review of the nearly 400 RFC's in this category, no
   millennium or year 2000 problems were found.

{2 - Section 12.2}


   RFC 2097 on the PPP NetBIOS Frame Control Protocol discusses several
   timer and timeouts in Section 2.1, none of which suffers from a year
   2000 problem.


   RFC 791 on the Internet Protocol defines a packet type 68 which is an
   Internet Timestamp, which defines a 32-bit field which contains the
   number of milliseconds since midnight UT.


{1} A typo in "category".
{2} 1) A typo in "discusses";
2) A typo in "midnight".

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